Page 33 of Lord of Vengeance
“Nothing leaves this office. Do you hear me? Not one goddamn word.” I had a feeling the mayor would push me into doing a press conference, and that was the last thing I wanted to do at this point. I needed to get a better handle on the case, or my office would be inundated with reporters trying to claim their fifteen minutes of fame.
Fuck that.
“Don’t worry, boss woman. Not a peep out of the crew. I’ll make certain of it.”
“And don’t let that sexy blonde from whatever station sidle up to you. I know how Brandy works and you’re hungry.”
He laughed. “Who, me?”
“Yeah, you.” I hated reporters. They made my job that much more difficult.
His grin remaining, he backed out of the door.
At least the information he’d provided made some sense, although I didn’t like what I’d heard. I took another sip of cold coffee, shoving the mug away before returning to the paperwork he’d presented.
As I flipped to another page, almost immediately a wave of ice tore down my spine, the article mentioning the names of the Santos family. And that included Diego Santos. What were the chances the man I’d slept with, that I’d dared let my guard down to was one and the same?
There were at least two other pages below the one I was looking at. I hesitated, sucking in and holding my breath before managing to turn to the next one. And when I did, stars floated in front of my eyes.
Two men stood in tuxedoes in front of a recent movie premiere, the camera capturing the identical twins with bright lights. And they both looked like the man I’d shared an amazing night of passion with.
Diego was a lying sack of shit, at least about his name. There stood Diego Santos with a carbon copy of himself. What the hell was going on?
I was floored, my body instantly aching as I studied his handsome face, the man I’d never forget but the one I needed to shun.
And possibly arrest.
My skin tingled, my heart racing, the fuzziness inside my mind becoming toxic. Had he lured me into a romantic interlude knowing I’d be compromised? It was possible, although I had to think this through completely before doing anything halfcocked.
No, it was crazy.
How could he know my real identity?
Because my picture had been in the paper more than once. Had he stalked and followed me? Stranger things had happened.
Was he that cunning as well as completely charismatic?
I struggled to believe I’d fallen into the worst scenario of my life but there was no denying what I’d done.
Dear God, I was fucked. Oh, so fucked.
Beautiful and brilliant.
Sabrina was both things and much more, but I had to stop thinking with my dick instead of my brain. She also had to be driven out of my mind.
At least for now.
I wasn’t a man known for my patience and certainly not any concept of virtue, but at this point I’d need to rein in my desires.
“Earth to Diego.”
I heard my brother’s voice and was instantly annoyed. “Yes?”
“What the hell are you thinking about?” Dante barked as he leaned in closer to his iPad. He’d insisted on a Facetime call, which I typically loathed unless I was dealing with some scum I was certain was lying to me. It was easy to tell when a man had been traitorous by the twitches in his face or the use of his hands. There wasn’t a man alive who didn’t have a giveaway of some kind, myself included. Just as I was doing right now, drumming my fingers on the desk, which was a clear indication of my irritation.