Page 78 of Lord of Vengeance
I’d always known he existed, even though we’d been ripped apart as children. I’d always had a sense that I was missing something, although Xavier had laughed at me when I’d asked if I had a brother. The bond we’d formed was unusual, but it was the one tether that could never be broken.
Maybe there was another, if only I could learn to accept it.
Dante moved to pick up a few other items I’d tossed onto the floor. He remained silent as he placed them carefully on the surface, finally lifting his head. “There’s broken glass. You’re barefoot. Be careful.”
“Is that what you want to say to me?”
His scowl could rival mine. “Fine. It’s time we had a discussion with Emmanuel. He’s the only person who might be able to provide us with the information we need, including about Desposito.”
“I don’t want him involved. I already told you that.”
“For God’s sake, Diego. Have you considered the possibility that the reason we’ve been targeted is who our birth father is? I can’t honestly believe that a dark secret this significant couldn’t be leaked. Imagine if it was. I know you don’t want to think of him as our father, but he cared about me. He cared about our mother, the woman you barely remember. She was beautiful and caring and he did what he could to make her life easier.”
“While abandoning her to raise his other fucking family!”
He exhaled, staring me in the eyes. “That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? You feel abandoned by our real father. So in turn, you’re going to make certain you keep him out of our lives.”
“You know the reason why we maintain we’re Santos men.”
“I was wrong in allowing you to convince me to take the fucking name. And I was wrong to allow you to push me away from Emmanuel. He is my father, the only man who gave a damn at a time when it seemed no one else did but our mother.”
I threw my glass across the room, enjoying the sound of the dense crystal smashing against the bookshelf.
Dante said nothing, used to my outbursts. He simply glanced at the shattered glass, shaking his head as the liquid slowly oozed down the wall. “Your anger is going to destroy everything that matters to you.”
“Nothing matters to me except for money.”
“You’re such a fucking fool. Let me ask you a question. What are your plans for Sabrina? You know, the person you don’t give a shit about. She’s not making you any money.”
Bristling, I fisted my hand, ready to throw a punch.
At my own flesh and blood.
He never backed down to me, always carrying the same expression when I was about to go off the rails. “Go on, brother. If hitting me is going to make you feel better, then go for it. However, it’s not going to change two facts. One, you love that woman. I can see it in your eyes. And two, our real father might be the only person capable of helping us.”
“He’s not trustworthy.”
“Bullshit. You know it. He worked with the Brotherhood successfully.”
He was right, as he often was. “I’ll think about it.”
He grumbled under his breath. “Answer the question. What are you going do with her?”
I took a deep breath, maybe just trying to buy myself some time. “I don’t know.” I knew exactly what I wanted to do to her. I knew exactly what the woman meant to me, even if what I was considering was dangerous not only to her but also to myself. What did I care? I’d achieved every other goal I’d set out to do.
Notorious fame.
Wealth beyond my means.
The kind of power and influence that put the fear of God into the most ruthless men.
The adoration of women worldwide.
And yet life held no meaning, nothing tangible or special. Dante was right. Once again.
The bastard.
What I wanted from her couldn’t be bought or sold, but I had every intention of taking what I craved.