Page 8 of Lord of Vengeance
“Incidentally, I thought I’d mention to you that the cruise ship is pulling into Sitka, Alaska in a couple days. You asked me to remind you that you wanted to be there for the end of the maiden voyage.”
Ivan’s reminder hadn’t been necessary. I’d already thought about making a trip to the small town. We’d also purchased a fleet of cruise ships, planning on using them to route several crates of merchandise to our wealthiest clients. They could enjoy a vacation while checking the products they’d ordered, while they headed for their exotic destination in luxury. It had been the brainchild of Dante’s and mine, including rather sinful ideas from Dante’s wife, Carina.
Another lucrative venture that would bring us millions.
We also had plans to provide special features, such as themed voyages for our clients. In providing all the delicious proclivities they could ever want from aspects of BDSM to gambling, we could also potentially use their dark secrets against them if absolutely necessary. We were devious individuals, which was what made my brother and me so dangerous.
“I remember, my friend. I’ll make arrangements to head that way.” Loud voices drew my attention to the other side of the club. I stood, walking closer toward the noise to try to establish what the hell was going on. Ivan flanked my side a few seconds later.
“Do you want me to find out what’s going on, boss?” He only called me boss when he was itching to get into the middle of a fight.
“Not this time. Let me see what’s going on.” The club was about privacy and style, not fights and lewd behavior. If anyone dared treat any of my girls with anything other than absolute professionalism, they were tossed out without a second chance. Period. There would never be a single woman abused in one of my clubs or movies without immediate retribution.
I took long strides, pushing my way through the crowd toward the sound. When I was close, I realized some asshole responsible for the commotion was roughing up one of my parttime dancers just outside the set of dressing rooms.
I didn’t bother trying to stop the situation vocally, instead grabbing the jerk by the back of the neck, tossing him against the corridor wall. When I crowded his space, he started laughing.
“Is there a problem, Sophia?” I asked without turning my attention to the girl.
“No, sir. We were just having a heated discussion.”
Sophia wasn’t known for mincing words, which meant she was terrified of the man. Fucking bastard.
“Ella es una puta sin valor,” the asshole made the mistake of hissing under his breath.
If the fuck didn’t see that I was from Spanish descent, then he was dumber than he looked. In calling the stunning woman a whore, he’d just signed his death warrant. “Y eres hombre muerto.”
I found it fascinating that when I’d told him he was a dead man, his grin had only widened. Yeah, the guy was dumber than he looked. To come into my club and act this way meant he had a death wish. I’d be happy to grant that to him. I issued two brutal punches, the force pitching him down the corridor by several feet, his body slamming against the wall. Without any hesitation, I headed toward him, jerking him up by several feet, issuing a hard jab into his gut followed by a savage undercut beneath his chin while still holding him aloft.
There were only a couple of sharp cries from a few of my girls and a couple of customers. At least my employees knew what to expect if anyone was dumb enough to act out inside the establishment. Still, it didn’t hurt to have an audience while teaching the man a lesson. It was a tactic I’d learned from my father.
The hard way.
I flexed my hand, the ache impossible to avoid. While he didn’t bother throwing a punch, that didn’t lessen my rage. I smashed my fist against his nose, rewarded with the spew of blood after doing so. What a shame I couldn’t hear the crackle of bone given the seductive music coming from the dozens of hidden speakers. After tossing him against the wall, I yanked a handkerchief from my pocket, wiping blood from my hands.
“Now, what do you want me to do with him?” Ivan asked.
“Take him to my office. I want to have a discussion with him. And find out how this fuck gained entrance to my club.” The asshole was dressed like a biker complete with leather pants and jacket while the requirement for attire was somewhat more formal.
“I’ll see what I can find out.” Ivan waved to two of the bouncers, giving them instructions in Russian while I turned my attention back to Sophia. I opened the door to one of the dressing rooms, ushering her inside.
“I’m sorry about that, Mr. Santos,” she said, still petrified.
“It’s not your fault, Sophia. What happened here?”
“I was booked for a private room but that’s not the same regular who comes once a week. He appeared in Mr. James’ place, acting as if nothing was wrong.”
“Senator James?”
“Yes, sir.”
“He’s back in Washington given congress is in session, Sophia.”
“Oh, shit. I forgot about that. Who is he?” she asked.
“I don’t know but I intend on finding out. Did he hurt you?”
“No, but he said some really strange things.”