Page 24 of Wayward Souls
“Yes, ah gosh kid. I haven’t seen you in what, five years maybe? That family party, you and Spence were running around on your skateboards.”
“Yeah man, been a long time,” I grit through my teeth, trying to keep my composure. I know she wants to handle this herself, and I really want to respect her wishes, but it’s hard. Really fucking hard.
“So, Spencer?”
“Yeah, uh, she’s here but she’s still asleep. We fell asleep watching movies last night.”
His eyes grow a stern look, “Well listen, she needs to get home. She can’t be off breaking curfew and not calling.”
Raising an eyebrow I respond, “Oh, well, I’m sorry. See she never had one before. Mama Dee always let her crash here.”
“Yes well, Dina is gone,” he clears his throat again, “She’s not 18 yet, she needs to be home by 11 p.m., and she is well aware of my rules.”
“Ok, well, she wasn’t doing so great last night, so I’m just going to let her keep sleeping, but I’ll send her back once she decides she’s ready.”
“I uh,” he starts.
“Look,” anger seeps from my veins, and I can’t control my temper any longer, “Evan. I know what you did motherfucker. And as far as I’m concerned, she doesn’t need to run shit by you, you fucking pervert.”
“Excuse me?” he scoffs.
“You fucking heard me,” I reach into my pocket and retrieve my butterfly knife. With one hand, I grip his throat and slam him against the door frame, and with the other, I flip the blade open, pressing the tip into his abdomen just above his dick.
“Look kid,” he tries to sound assertive but I can hear his voice waver, “don’t you know who I am? I-“
“Yeah I know who the fuck you are. Problem is, you don’t know who I am, or for that matter, who my father is,” I hiss, digging the tip of the blade down a little more forcefully. “Maybe you’ve heard of Teddy Price? Or the Havok Brotherhood?”
His eyes widen, and it’s apparent that he gets it. He understands.
“Don’t you ever touch her again you piece of shit. Never. You so much as turn your beady little eyes in her fucking direction, I swear on my dead mother’s grave I will cut your dick off, shove it down your throat, and watch you die choking on it. Do you fucking hear me?”
He doesn’t answer, so I dig the tip in further until I feel it pop through the fabric of his slacks, piercing the skin of his abdomen.
“Do. You. Fucking. Hear. Me?” I grit.
He nods his head, and I pull my knife away from his crotch. Yanking him forward, I lean in and whisper, “The only reason I don’t kill you right now, is because I care about her. I’m not going to put her through more trauma right now. But I mean it motherfucker. One glance and you’re a dead man.”
Shoving him backwards, I push him through the doorway, slamming the door shut behind him and engaging the lock.
Shaking, I close up my knife and shove it back in my pocket. Running my hand through my hair, I take several deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. Once I’m no longer visibly shaking, I walk back up the steps and open my bedroom door only to find Spencer sitting on the edge of the bed, twirling her hair around her finger and chewing on her lip.
“Hey red, you ok?” I ask, climbing onto the bed next to her.
“Yeah, was that uh, my uncle?” she looks at me, still twirling her hair around her index finger.
“Yeah, I sent him home.”
She releases a long exhale and flops backward onto the bed. “Thanks.”
Running a hand through my hair, I look down at her, “Are you ok?”
Rolling her eyes, she swallows loudly and clears her throat. “Yeah it’s fine, I just, like I said, I have it handled.”
“It’s ok babygirl, I handled it.”
Her eyes widen and she sits back up quickly, “What do you mean, you handled it?”