Page 66 of Wayward Souls
Pressing the lock screen button, I place my phone on my nightstand and drop to the bed. How did everything get so fucking complicated? My girl has always been a firecracker, but she’s also one of the sweetest human beings to ever grace this earth. She was the only light that filled my bleak fucking life for so damn long. How has she ended up surrounded by so many people that want to hurt her?
There are things she isn’t telling me. She holds the pieces to the puzzle, and somehow the pieces she hides from me intertwine with the pieces I hide from her. I just know it. Dropping my head into my hands, I take slow, measured breaths.
I thought with Ryker gone, she would finally be safe, he wouldn’t be able to hold her over my head anymore. I was wrong though. Every time I’ve thought I was a step ahead in this life, someone else was two more ahead of me.
Ten years ago I thought she was safe too. Sick and tired of the relentless game of chess my old man continued to play, using her as a pawn to keep me complicit, I ended him.
I lured him to the warehouse under the guise of a mark I couldn’t crack, and the moment his guard was down, I put a bullet directly between his eyes. I burned him beyond recognition, dumping his charred remains into the Havok Hills landfill.
I ran straight to Lakeview to find her, to bring her to me, but she was gone, and Ryker was waiting. It never once occurred to me that the psycho had surveillance on the torture room. He held my entire life in the palm of his hand. A video of me murdering Teddy Price. The other piece of information he had? Spencer Maddox’s location. He locked them both up tight, and I felt the puppet strings tugging on my aching limbs once more.
I put my head down and played nice. I followed orders. I fell in line and became a good little soldier. But with Ryker gone, the one thing I can’t seem to link together, is how the fuck Grant Maddox ended up with the files Ryker Underwood kept under lock and key. Grant Maddox is a businessman as far as I know. He travelled all the time when Spencer was young, and was rarely around. What would he have to do with the Brotherhood?
“Ah em.”
I lift my head and look up to see Spencer stepping out of the bathroom. Her bright red hair is wet, all the makeup scrubbed from her face, and she has nothing but a towel wrapped around her. I want to throw her on the bed and fuck her senseless, but I also really need answers right now so I refrain from moving. I keep my hands to myself while I breathe through the fire raging inside of me.
“Got something I can wear?”
“Huh?” I was barely listening, too focused on how fucking hard my dick is.
“Clothes? You didn’t exactly let me go home and pack a bag,” she says, rolling her eyes.
“Right,” I shake my head and adjust my cock as I stand up and walk to the bureau. Opening the top drawer I pull out an old t-shirt, then reach into the drawer below it and grab a pair of my boxer briefs.
“Here,” I turn around and shove the clothes against her chest before yanking my shirt over my head and dropping it to the ground.
“Gee, thanks,” she mutters as she goes back into the bathroom.
Stripping off the rest of my clothes, I pull the blankets back on the bed and slide between the sheets. My jaw drops as the door opens and she steps out of the bathroom. I’m not sure if her ass looks better in those thongs she wears, or with the skin tight fabric of my boxer briefs stretched across her ass.
“Got a spare room or something?”
“What? No, get the fuck in the bed,” I scoff. Is she kidding me right now?
“Yeah seriously. I’m not letting you out of my sight little runaway.”
Peeling back the sheets, I hold them open for her to slide in the bed next to me.
“You’re fucking naked Travis.”
“And you’re hard.”
I grin, “You didn’t seem to mind when your pussy was dripping around it a couple of hours ago.”
“God you’re such an ass,” she quips, but she slides into the bed next to me anyway.
I scoot back, giving her a little bit of space, and we both lie on our sides, facing each other. My eyes roam over her face, etching every dip, curve, and shadow into my memory. She’s changed over the years, but she’s still exactly the same. Her green eyes still sparkle in the moonlight and pull me under, trapping me like quicksand.
She looks back at me, but she doesn’t say a word. I don’t want to break the silence. I don’t want to freak her out, but I need to know what’s going through that beautiful head of hers.
“Spence, why?”
“Why what?” she whispers.