Page 73 of Wayward Souls
“Hey Jimmy,” I call over my shoulder, “he didn’t last nearly as long as you did. Guy’s a fucking pussy huh?”
Jim doesn’t answer. He doesn’t say a word, because Riot worked him over last night, and the kid did good. He knows his time is coming. I’m salivating at the thought of what Riot may have gotten out of him, and this is what I mean. Dealing with this fucking weasel is clouding my mind, overshadowing the bigger picture. I should already know what Riot beat out of our prisoner.
Snapping out of my head, I grin, “See, the time for saying sorry… that passed when you put your fucking hands on her. You’re not leaving this basement alive Liam.”
“W-what do you mean?”
Walking over to the tall, steel cabinet, I open the doors and retrieve a Bowie knife and a large ball gag. Running my fingertips over the sharp edge of the blade, toying with the tip, I stride back over to Liam.
“W-w-what’s that f-for? I-“
“Shhhh,” I whisper as I step behind him.
“N-no s-stop!”
“Shut the fuck up and open your mouth.”
He clamps his mouth shut as I bring the ball gag around the front of his face.
“Come on Liam, open up.”
Pressing his lips firmly together, he shakes his head, and jerks his body, trying to pull himself from the chains. Dumbass. He’s not going anywhere.
“Fine,” I sigh, “You don’t want to do this the easy way?”
Holding the gag in the same hand as my blade, I use my free hand to pinch his nose closed, blocking off his air supply. Eventually he’ll need to fucking breathe. A few moments pass and his chest jerks a few times, his lips part, and he sucks in a forceful breath, just as I shove the ball between his teeth. It’s quite large and fills up all the space in his mouth. Securing the leather straps behind his head, I step around to the front of him and face him.
“Better say a silent prayer to whatever deity you believe in while you still have time.”
Flipping the knife in the air, I catch it point down and thrust the blade between his legs, slicing through his balls, pinning them the seat.
His eyes bulge and he screams behind the gag, but it’s muted and muffled. Such a beautiful fucking sound. The sound of a piece of shit getting what’s coming to him. The sound of retribution. Payback.
Yanking the blade out of him, I swipe it against my thigh, wiping the blood off on my denim pants as I give him a look. From the moment he called her a whore in that bar, I’ve dreamt of all the ways I’d torture him. All the ways I’d make him pay.
Gripping his collar, I rip his t-shirt down the middle, exposing his chest.
Dropping down to both knees, I rest the tip of the blade just below his collarbone. I want him to die, but I also want him to suffer before he goes. This won’t be quick and painless. Pressing the tip of the blade into his flesh, I slowly and deliberately begin to carve. The lines and curves etch easily into his skin as blood runs down his chest. When I finish, I move to another spot, starting all over again. Muffled screams fill the air and calm my anger. Calm the beast raging inside.
He deserves it all and more. When I finish dragging the sharp edge through the last bit of skin, I stand up and admire the work of art before me.
Woman Beater.
Some of the things he called her, and some fun little titles of his own for good measure. Passed out from the pain, his head hangs, sweat dripping to his chest, mixing with the bright red blood.
It’s not his time yet. I want him to sit like this. I want him to feel the sting. I want him to see the words. I’ll be back to end it all once he’s sufficiently suffered.
Tossing the knife to the side, it clatters as it makes contact with the concrete floor.
Turning around, I stride to the staircase to leave the basement. Pausing as my foot hits the bottom step, I look over my shoulder, and a sadistic grin crosses my face. “I’ll be seein‘ you. Both of you. Why don’t ya’ll take bets on who’s dying first while I’m gone? Keep things interesting.”
Afterlife has a big event coming up in less than a week, and we didn’t just need to prepare for the event, we needed to make sure all the changes we’ve been putting into place are secure as well. It’s Riot’s vision and I fully support it in hopes of bringing in a variety of clients. Not just the filth that Afterlife has always attracted in the past.