Page 20 of Hiding Desire
“Harrison could sink my career before it’s even started.” My voice choked as I stood up. “Please leave me alone,” I said, turning and walking back towards Rosie.
“Too late for that, hummingbird.” His voice followed me, and I closed my eyes at the nickname.
Maybe I needed to look at dental school transfers.
Kelsie’s hairspray cloud forced me to cough as I turned around from the make-up station. She gave me a smug look, and I ignored her. I already had enough to deal with. Thankfully, today was Friday, and my clinic didn’t feature any hot Irish gangsters, nor did I see Harrison.
From my research, transferring schools in my final year would be difficult and require very extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis. I couldn’t afford to drop out and reapply elsewhere. It would cost me time and money I didn’t have. The trapped feeling churned in my stomach.
The club was busy as I walked out to one of the smaller poles, ready to dance off this frustration. My steps slowed when I saw Tanya already there.
Theresa came bustling over and grabbed my arm. “Desire, you are in the VIP private room tonight. You aren’t out here.”
“What? My schedule said pole three?”
“Didn’t Vixen give you the revised schedule?”
“No,” I huffed.
Why anyone would rely on that cabrona to pass on information, I didn’t know, but Theresa always had a soft spot for her.
“Right, well, chop chop. Off you go.”
I picked my way through the crowd, avoiding stray hands, and headed for the VIP area. The main area of VIP was empty, but the two suits flanking the private room told me who was inside.
Neither looked at me, but the one with sandy-coloured hair nodded and pulled open the door for me. As I entered the dark room, the faint aroma of Sean’s aftershave washed over me. A low bass played, and I automatically looked to the pole in the centre of the room rather than at the man I could see reclining like a resplendent king on the circular couch. It was the same pose as when I danced for him on Halloween. Was that only four days ago?
“Four for four,” he said, pulling my attention.
I cleared my throat. “Would you like me to dance at the pole or closer?”
“We could have a drink. Get to know each other.” He gestured to the champagne glasses and the bottle on ice.
I’d have to be stupid to drink anything he was offering.
“I’d rather dance.”
“Fair play. I’ll let you get us thirsty first.” He grinned.
I adjusted the music slightly higher and approached the pole. My satin dress zipped down the front, and I wore a shiny black thong underneath. I focused on the beat and swung into my favourite routine. Letting the music guide me, I rolled my body and danced. My automatic imaginary reel played, and Sean’s powerful frame again replaced the faceless man, as if my subconscious and body wanted to betray me. I shivered lightly, feeling his eyes on me and imagining his touch. This was so bad. I bent over, unzipped the double-ended zipper to my belly button, and twirled, letting the satin material flare out. The images kept coming, and combined with his scent that was everywhere in the room, I felt myself grow wet.
His effect on me was unparalleled; I’d never felt this way before. I forced the images away, focusing on my movements and releasing the zip fully to allow the material to fall away. Dancing while covering my breasts, I arched my back and tossed a glance over my shoulder. Sean remained in the same place, but his knuckles clutched the back of the couch, turning them white, and the intensity of his gaze blazed hot. I snapped back up and pirouetted around, letting him see my bare chest. I suppressed a smile when a masculine grunt met my ears. Men were all the same. Show them a pair of tits, and they regressed to babies. As much as I thought it was a bad idea, I enjoyed the crack in his controlled facade. He’d been a mask of power and casual indifference since we met, and to see my effect on him was heady. Dangerous as shit but addictive, nonetheless.
I danced around the pole a few more times, and then, encouraged by his reaction, I strutted over and hovered over his lap. As I undulated over him, he didn’t make a move to touch me, but his jaw tightened and his nostrils flared.
Maybe I should fuck him, give him what he wants and get rid of him. I pushed that treacherous thought away and twisted to dance with my back to him.
“Jesus wept.” He swore under his breath, and I smiled.
Turning, I straddled one of his thighs and danced closer; his pupils blew wide, and he watched me from under hooded lids.
A sharp rap on the door made me jump, and his arms flew up, yanking me against him and crushing my breasts to his suit.
I yelped and struggled, but his arms were like iron bars around me, one full hand spanning my backside. He was rock hard beneath me, and unless he had a lead pipe in his trousers, he wasn’t a small guy. The heat of my attraction to him and a spike of fear chased through me.