Page 27 of Hiding Desire
Amy squealed and fell across the man, and the chair spun wildly.
I seized her arm, yanking her off him and levelling my gun at his chest. The security guard’s eyes widened, and he threw his hands up.
“No! Wait,” Amy shouted, hurling herself in front of my gun.
The red mist descended on my vision at her defending him, but I jerked the gun away from her.
“Out of the way.”
“No, wait! I was checking Larry’s tooth. He-he’s lost a filling.” Her blue eyes were wide, and her hands were outstretched like I was a wild animal.
“He’s about to lose more than a filling, a chuisle,” I ground out, my trigger finger twitching.
“Wait, wait! I have a wife and kids. Honestly, Amy was checking my tooth. Please, Mr O’Sullivan, I would never touch her.” The dead man blubbered from the seat.
“Your hands were all over her,” I gritted out.
“S-she fell.”
“Stop this.” Amy’s fiery eyes met mine. “He knows I’m a dental student. He’s lost a filling.”
“What’s going on?” Kia entered, eyeing my gun and everyone’s position. “Do we have a problem?”
“Only your security guard’s hands all over my woman,” I said through clenched teeth.
“I was checking his tooth!” Amy threw up her hands.
I searched her face for a lie. She rolled her eyes at me, and I realised I was acting like my father. That dimmed my violent desire to attack the guy. Marginally.
“Larry, you need to call the emergency dentist. That tooth will need a root canal.”
The security guard scrambled to his feet and backed away towards Kia.
“Take the rest of the weekend off. Get your tooth fixed, Larry,” Kia said, her eyes on mine, silently asking if we were good.
Honestly, I didn’t know. The predator inside me tracked Larry’s movements to the door. Glaring until he disappeared. I nodded mutely at Kia, holstering my gun and reaching for my usual calm.
“Can you give us a minute?” Kia asked Amy.
Amy looked between us, her eyes flashing.
“Wait for me in the VIP room,” I barked as she stalked out.
My hand twitched as I watched her leave.
“Is there something else I need to know besides you claiming the dancer?” Kia asked, moving behind her desk.
“Amy, her name is Amy,” I barked.
Kia nodded solemnly. “Claiming Amy.”
I forced myself to breathe deeply, reminding myself my problem wasn’t with Kia and I did, in fact, need her. It took a few moments to clear my head.
“The Stefanov gang have been staking out the club.”
Kia narrowed her eyes. “Why?”
I debated how much to tell her.