Page 29 of Hiding Desire
“Why do you think?” She sighed. “I can’t do this.” She deflated beneath me, the fight draining from her as she averted her eyes. “What’s it going to take? A blow job? Sex? Once? Weekly? What will it take for you to leave me alone?”
Stilling, I studied her. I was used to begging and bartering. Worthless men would promise the world to save their miserable hides. But watching her offer something no doubt lesser men would take her up on flared uncontrolled anger through me. I knew one dead man who certainly had. How many men had she appeased by trading her body?
“I don’t think I’ve made myself clear, a chuisle. While I want all those things with you, they will not be exchanged for leaving you alone. You are mine now. It might be fast, but that’s the reality.”
Tears welled in her eyes as she looked up at me, and the savage part of me wanted that shattered look just like it wanted the fire. She was mine to push to the limit and bring back.
“Yours to be kept in a cage. Yours to be passed around to entertain your friends while you fuck whoever you like.” She closed her eyes, and the tears fell. “Yours to dispose of when you get tired of me.”
The black heart inside my chest clenched at the sight of her despair. My broken hummingbird. But I wouldn’t have her compare us to her mother’s fate.
I swiped a salty droplet as I cupped her cheek, rubbing the moisture across her skin.
“There will be no sharing. No one else for either of us.”
She scoffed. “Sure.”
“You don’t need to believe me. I’ll show you.”
She didn’t answer. I studied her stunning features, wanting to ruin her for anyone but me, but not like this.
“Let’s get something to eat.” I lifted off her and pulled her up.
She stumbled to her feet, staring at me incredulously.
“You’re serious?”
I nodded.
She shook her head, shrugging. “Why not.”
Admittedly, it was not the most enthusiastic response I’d ever had, but she was either coming with me on her feet or over my shoulder. Because if I laid on top of her much longer, I’d end up breaking my promise.
We walked in silence as I guided her toward the back entrance, where Ian was waiting. A familiar-looking red vehicle moved off from across the street, and I hustled Amy toward the Range Rover, gun in hand. The Stefanovs were pushing their luck, and Amy’s time for coming with me willingly was running out.
How had I ended up like my mamá? I stared unseeing out of the tinted window of Sean’s Range Rover. The smell of cream leather seats mingled with his aftershave, creating a decadent combination. I hated that despite the display of toxic masculinity in the office, my body still lit up around him. Attraction to dangerous men must be genetic. A fucking terminal illness. Tears prickled the backs of my eyes at remembering the sight of Mamá’s body. Ruthlessly, I pushed those images away. I had to think. He hadn’t taken my offer of sexual favours, which meant I needed to get serious about the possibility of running.
The car stopped, and the sight of the dark and deserted-looking place in front of us pulled me from my thoughts.
“Where are we?”
“Paddy’s restaurant.”
“This is a restaurant?”
“The front looks nicer. On second thoughts, it’s not much better than the back, but the food is the best.”
The ginger-haired suit exited the car first and scanned the area. Sean came around to open my door. He was jealously gun-toting one minute and chivalrous the next. I couldn’t work him out with his expensive three-piece tailoring and charming smile. When I got out, his hand flew to the small of my back, making me shiver.
Was I so sad that a slight affection from a maniac made me react? I rolled my eyes at myself as he steered us to the back entrance. He knocked twice, and a large balding man appeared. The look on his face was almost comical. He looked utterly terrified for a few seconds before recovering.
“Mr O’Sullivan, what an honour. Come in, come in.” He ushered us inside, and the smell of rich cooking made my stomach grumble.
“Let me show you to your room. If I’d known, I would have had it ready. Of course, it’s always ready for you, but I would have set everything up nicely.” He rambled as he led us along a corridor and up a set of stairs.
The ginger-haired suit followed us, but at the top, he squeezed past and swept into the room.