Page 48 of Hiding Desire
“He’s driving,” I said.
Loch mumbled something about Cian not knowing his ear hole from his arsehole.
“Keep me updated,” I said.
I clicked the video off and rested my head back on the seat. This was getting complex, but I couldn’t help but be happy to bring Amy back to my house.
Climbing out of the car once we arrived, my hounds jogged over to see who I had in my arms.
“This is Amy.” I let them sniff her. “Guard her, but she can’t be allowed to leave.”
They looked up and barked once. I knew they understood my words.
Inside, Trixie rushed into the hallway. Regardless of Amy’s willingness, I told Trixie I was bringing my woman home tonight.
“Is that her?” She bustled over and smoothed Amy’s hair from her face.
“She’s so pretty. You are punching above your weight, young man. Did you drug her? You know that’s not how a gentleman acts.” She chided me despite looking positively gleeful.
“You know I’m not a gentleman.”
She tutted. “I’ll make her some soup for when she wakes up. Soup makes everything better.” She tore off back to the kitchen.
Amy would love it here once the initial shock wore off. She needed more family in her life. She belonged here with me. I climbed the stairs to my room and laid her carefully on her side of my bed. Our bed. I estimated I had a few hours before she woke up.
My phone rang with a call from Cian, making irritation flare inside me. He was on the thinnest of ice.
“Sean!” he screamed.
“What?” I barked, tensing.
“Craig’s been shot! They came for us, man. We got Niko, but they’ve torched the place. It fucking exploded. All that chip fat downstairs,” he rambled, half hysterical.
“Where are you?” I seethed, heat flushing through me.
“I’m heading to the warehouse. I’ve got him in the trunk.”
“Where is Craig?”
“We had to leave him. The pigs were on the way.”
“You left him bleeding in the street?”
“I left Ian with him. This Niko guy, he’s alive. I knew you’d want to question him.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose. Fucking Cian.
“Where is the housemate?”
“Craig got her out. That’s how he got shot.”
“I’ll meet you there.”
I called Loch. He immediately turned his vehicle around, but it would be nearly two hours before he returned. I made a second call to my lawyer, a third to the police superintendent, and the final call to my new friend Max.
“The time for playing games is over. Offer your woman shelter while I deal with the Stefanovs.”