Page 52 of Hiding Desire
“Haven’t you got medics on staff?” Oscar interrupted.
A wave of pain slammed into me, and I leaned forward with a grunt. “Not safe. I’ve got a rat.”
That wasn’t quite the truth, but it was close enough.
“Who shot you?” Oscar demanded.
“No one you know. Just need your pretty fiancée to fish this bullet out and stitch me up so I can get back to my woman.” I gestured to the medical bag at my feet.
“She the one that shot you?” Oscar asked sardonically.
“No, but isn’t the best trouble always about a woman?” I grinned at Eve, referring to our summer trouble with a particular dark-haired doctor.
Eve tensed. “But I’m not a trauma surgeon.”
“And I’m not going to the hospital with a bullet hole. So, I need you to do me a favour, Doc, and do your best. Just like I did for your fella.”
My patience was thin tonight. Eve frowned, confused by my sentiment. Oscar cast me a scathing look. I met his dark gaze with one of my own. Time to pay the piper, Sir Oscar. My favours didn’t come for free, not even for friends. Remembering I was here for several favours tonight, I decided to help him out.
“When I flew everyone home and tracked you down for this love-sick eejit,” I said to Eve whilst holding Oscar’s gaze, letting him know I was cutting him some slack.
His pretty fiancée did not need to learn about the monster that lived inside her man. Or how far he would go to ensure her safety.
Eve snapped into professional mode and asked me questions as she looked at my wound.
“Press on it for me while I look through your bag.” She searched through the medical bag.
Oscar dragged a hand down his face, but before he could open his mouth to speak, the door bumped open.
“The fuck is going on here?” Liam Reid’s angry presence filled the room.
Where Oscar had a refined, cultured voice, Liam’s was broad, northern, and rough as nails from being dragged up on a local estate.
“Now we have both Steel Brothers. It’s a proper party.” I held out my good arm in welcome.
“Who shot you?” Liam asked, his dark eyes flashing.
The blood pressure cuff went tight on my arm, and I grunted as Eve probed my wound.
“I’m going to flood this with local anaesthetic. The bullet is still in there.”
I knew that. I could feel it grind against my tissues every time I moved.
“Mind if I have a drink? I need one.” I held the bottle up, and Liam scowled at me.
“I thought I was done dragging your bloodied arse out of the gutter.”
“It’s been a quick minute.” I frowned at the memory.
Liam was my cousin, but only distantly. He earned his place as one of my most trusted people when he saved my life many years ago. However, he was a moody bastard.
“I’m going to give you some fluids.” Eve jammed the needle into my forearm.
“There’s blood in the bag,” I said.
“I’m not giving you that without knowing your blood count or having a cross-match.”
“It’s my blood, Doc.”