Page 59 of Hiding Desire
“You’re not in a position to criticise me. Your wife was in our holding cells for over a week,” I interrupted.
“She was recovering.”
“She was sizing up how to stab you in the eye with a toothbrush, you mean?”
“She doesn’t like it when you remind her of that.”
“So this is another intervention?”
“Don’t be so fecking dramatic. I’m just saying stop greeting her as Toothbrush Killer or TK.”
“Fair play, but she should have killed those men less memorably.”
“You weren’t even there.”
“You painted an excellent mental picture. I snapped the head off my toothbrush and tried melting a razor into it, you know. Fecking stank. Shite weapon. It’s an impressive feat, not something to regret.”
Loch dragged his hand down his face like he was sick of me.
“It reminds her of a bad time. Just don’t do it. For what it’s worth, I’m sure Amy will come around, but I promised Rada that I’d speak to you.”
“Whipped,” I muttered.
“Says the man who is making googly eyes at the woman who knocked him out with a flask of soup.”
Feck. I would never live that down.
“Amy was in bits when she realised you were injured,” Loch said.
“She’s warming up to me.” I glanced down at her hand that bore my engagement ring.
Loch followed my eyes. “Did you super glue it to her finger?”
“Feck off.” I shifted my shoulder, which felt marginally better since the painkillers.
“Is Niko dead?” I asked, changing the subject.
“Definitely dead. They recognised Amy from the surveillance footage of you.”
“I know.” I ground my jaw.
It wasn’t uncommon to monitor other gangs, but Boyan seemed to have a hard-on for me.
“He told me Boyan wanted her for when he gets out.”
I already got that from Niko before I left him hanging for Loch.
“Amy says she heard them planning to sell her when she was younger. Guess who else was involved?” I growled, recalling the conversation.
“Let me guess. Ivan fucking Kolev.”
I nodded grimly. “That’s two down already. We only need Boyan, and he’s being conveniently released from His Majesty’s leisure in a few days.”
“You want to take him straight out?”
I shook my head.