Page 77 of Hiding Desire
Perhaps I’d developed some of Trixie’s agoraphobia. Sean explained her past and the fact that she never left the property. The house was huge, and the grounds were quiet and guarded, so I understood why.
I was in the library, trying to read my brand-new restorative dentistry textbooks that Sean had bought for me, but my mind was wandering. Sean and Loch were meeting in his office to discuss important new information. He’d been in a grim mood since last night. I cuddled him until I fell asleep, but I’m unsure how much rest he got.
“I’ve brought you some lunch, dearie.” Trixie bustled in with a plate of thick-cut sandwiches and kettle chips.
“Thank you, Trixie.” The woman had a sixth sense for a rumbling stomach.
She smoothed a hand over my hair, and I closed my eyes at the affection. I could get used to being fed, but I needed to exercise or I’d be a stone heavier without dancing most nights. Trixie trotted away, saying she’d be back for the plate. She could be the sweetest, although I saw her threatening Loch with a bread knife when he tried to sneak some food from the fridge. The huge man had scampered away, leaving Rada and me giggling.
My phone buzzed, and Rosie’s name flashed up. She’d called and texted me a few times. My chest tightened at the reminder that I’d been neglecting my old friends – not that Rosie and I were that close.
“Hi,” I answered lamely.
“Amy!” she shouted into the phone, making me wince. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m okay.”
“I’ve been calling. I was worried.”
“I’m sorry I got caught up, and my phone ran out of charge.”
“Where are you?”
“Family emergency,” I said.
Sean had arranged things with the Dean, and presumably, my supervisors had been told.
“I didn’t think you had much family,” Rosie said, her voice curious. “I thought maybe that hottie had kidnapped you, and you’d died from amazing dick.”
That was strangely accurate, and I giggled.
“So you are climbing that tree!”
“Liar. Anyway, when are you returning?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“Okay… are you sure things are alright?”
I sighed. Rosie knew I was hyper-focused on finishing my course. “Yeah, it won’t be long.”
“Good news for when you return. Harrison quit. No one knows why, but a new woman is starting soon.”
“Oh,” I said, wondering if Sean had anything to do with his leaving.
I didn’t have the bandwidth to worry about sleazy bastards like Harrison.
“Alright, well, call me if you need anything.”
We said goodbye, and I vowed to be a better friend after this mess was over. I returned the phone to the table and tried again to read, but it buzzed with a text.
Michelle (Candy): Have u hrd?
Me: Heard what?
Michelle (Candy): The fucking club is on fire.