Page 110 of Wolf's Gambit
“Why are you asking the shaman? Shouldn’t you ask me?”
“No, because at the moment, the alternative is Cannon, and I genuinely think you prefer him,” he told me with an eye roll. “You must be drunk,” he mused.
For once, I kept my mouth shut.
“I will call for the Pack Council.” Kris rubbed his forehead. “I thought to hold off, but he’s forced our hand.” My brother stood to pace. “They can take months to gather though…years,” he added thoughtfully. He looked at me with a gleam in his eye.
“No,” I was already shaking my head. “Whatever that look is, no.”
Kris ignored me and turned to look at the shaman. “It could work.”
I gaped. “Are you communicating with him?”
“Shifter, remember?” Kris said with a huff.
“Asshole, you mean,” I sassed back at him and was pleased when I saw his slight smile. “I can’t talk to you like that,” I told the shaman.
Few can. I like the sound of your voice, pup, so I prefer to hear it out loud.
Oh. I was smiling in happiness that the shaman had granted me that honor, and I saw Kris was pleased too. “Thank you.” My head dipped in respect. “What did you mean, though? What will work?”
I looked between them both. “Excuse me?”
“We can tell them you are no threat because you have opted for seclusion to think about your actions.”
“I thought I was innocent?” I told my brother. He gave me a flat look. “Okay, I thought I wasn’t to blame?”
“You aren’t.” He walked to the table, taking the small bowl I’d offered the shaman. Sniffing it once, he pulled his head back sharply. “No wonder he’s claiming you,” he muttered.
I opted to ignore that. “What does seclusion mean?” I asked fearfully.
“You find somewhere safe. We tell no one. You stay there until I come back for you.”
“We aren’t really putting you in seclusion, pup,” the shaman told me. “It’s an illusion. We give them all an illusion of what they want, and you live free from here until your brother comes for you.”
“Am I really so bad that I need to be pushed away?” I asked Kris. “Look what happened last time.”
“No, you are not bad,” he answered solemnly. “But you are a magnet for trouble. Landon is going to push that he’s your mate. Who’s going to tell him differently?” He gave me a look I knew well. “Bale is watching every move you make. He isn’t as pleased as he pretends that Cass is my mate, and he hates that you are back. Cannon…well, that’s its own mess.” He ran his hand through his hair. “The coverup, I don’t know who that was, I don’t know who else knows. There is so much that I don’t know.”
Everything was a mess. I thought coming back would be better. I didn’t know it meant I was in even more strife than before I left.
“You will come for me?” I asked him softly.
“Always,” Kris promised. “Go somewhere new, somewhere where no one will know you. Blend.” Kris pulled me into his embrace. “You have to blend. No attention to yourself. I will come for you.”
“How long?”
“The Pack Council moves slowly,” the shaman spoke bluntly. “It could be months.”
I nodded, fighting back tears. “Okay. I guess I can do this.” Scrubbing my hands over my eyes, I looked around the room. “I assume you want me to go tonight? Right?”
Kris nodded. “It’s easier.” In his defense, he didn’t look happy about it.
“Yeah, easier. Right.” I heard my bitterness. “Tell Cass…nothing.” I saw him flinch. “I know her, I know you do too, but Landon’s her twin. As you do everything you can for me, she does it for him. Tell her I’m overwhelmed. It’s too much to process. Tell her I left quickly.” I gave a self-deprecating laugh. “Rashly. It’s me, after all.”