Page 12 of Wolf's Gambit
“Okay,” he agreed with a final glance over his shoulder to the door. “You’re going to have to be ready to shift to heal before your brother sees you,” he warned.
“So confident you’ll win,” I jeered as my adrenaline picked up again, and my attention was no longer on his defined muscles.
“Kezia, you’re my friend, and because of that, I’m giving you one final chance. We stop now. No blows need be exchanged, and we never talk about it again.”
Shaking out my hair, I pulled it back into a tight bun, leaving no loose strands to be caught, giving my opponent an advantage. “I’m ready,” I told him. “Ready to prove you wrong.” I kicked off my sneakers and checked my clothing. Thinking about it, I pulled off my T-shirt, leaving me in yoga pants and a sports bra.
“Satisfied with your wardrobe?” he drawled with an eye roll.
“Shut up.”
Landon gave an exaggerated sigh of acceptance, and then we circled each other on the training mat. He feinted left, and I held firm, and he bounced back lightly with a smirk.
“Playing?” I goaded him. “I thought we were fighting, friend.”
“I’m trying to make it to at least a minute before I beat you.”
Ass. “You’re giving me sixty seconds grace?”
“I’m a gentleman.”
“You’re a pile of coyote’s dung,” I growled.
Landon laughed as he continued to dance around me. “Your trash-talking game is weak, like you.”
The blow caught me unaware, and my head spun as I staggered slightly to the side.
“See, if we were playing for first blood, I won.” Landon’s eyes were burning bright with excitement. “And it’s not even been a minute.”
Rolling my head on my shoulders, I felt the sting of the cut on my split lip. I watched him warily as we circled, and I saw the confidence in his movements.
My brother was the best fighter in the pack. They said that Bale was equally good, but Landon was a close second to them both. I saw it as I feinted a right punch and kicked with my left leg. Landon easily moved out of my reach, his smile at my attack irritating me irrationally.
He wasn’t confident, he was cocky.
He needed to be taught a lesson.
Licking my lips as I prepared to strike, my world was suddenly spinning. The taste of the blood on my lips felt as if I had been electrocuted. Where I had been aware before, now it was like I was awake. Everything was heightened. I swear I could see color. I heard the snarl, but I didn’t recognize it came from me until I saw Landon bring his fists up closer, his eyes narrowing as he appraised me.
“Kez? What’s happening? Your eyes are changing.”
I felt my top lip curl as I bared my teeth at him, forcing my wolf down.
“Kezia!” Landon said sharply. “Human only, don’t change.”
Darting forward, my speed surprised me. I punched him square in the jaw before I backed away on light feet. He spat blood on the mat as I watched his shoulders hunch in, his stance more boxer-like.
“Kezia, you’re losing control. Hold it back,” Landon admonished.
“I’m in complete control,” I barked at him, my voice sounding harsh in my ears. “I thought you wanted to fight like a man?” I heckled him. “You bleed, and suddenly you’re nothing but a whining little boy,” I mocked him.
“I’m still in my human form,” Landon protested. “You’re barely holding on.”
I forced myself back two steps and took a deep breath.
Down, girl. I got this. Stay down.
I felt her inside me before she slipped back and I was fully me again. “Okay, sorry, I’ve got it,” I told him. “We still good?”