Page 26 of Wolf's Gambit
My answer was a low, warning growl.
“Kezia, now. Get in the corner of the cell.” Kris held up a deer. Its blood was warm, and I could hear its heart slowly dying. The slow rhythm called to me, and dutifully, I stepped back at the promise of what he held in his hands. “Slowly…” Kris warned Bale beside him. “She’s fast.”
I knew he meant me, and any other time, I would have felt pride at his praise, but my eyes were riveted on the deer’s neck—the pulse of a promise of what was to come.
Carefully, the deer was dragged into the cell. Shoving past my brother, I fell on it, my teeth sinking into the neck and ripping at the flesh. Warm blood filled my mouth, and I felt a jolt of euphoria as I chewed on the meat. With my claws, I tore into the carcass, the blood running down my chin as I gorged on the flesh.
Tearing into its haunches, I felt my heat burning through my veins, and absentmindedly, I shrugged out of my shirt, kicking off my pants, my clawed feet holding the deer close as I went back to feed.
A while later, satisfied with a full belly, the heat within me had dimmed. Rolling onto my back, I stared at my cell’s ceiling. Awareness slowly returned to me, and I knew I still wasn’t alone.
Sitting up, I looked beyond the bars and saw my brother and Bale still standing, watching me. Kris looked pale but gave me an encouraging smile. Bale looked worried.
“Wha—” my voice was raw and wrong. With a tentative probing of my fingers, I realized my teeth were still fangs. Pushing at them, my awareness recognized that I couldn’t force them to recede with just my fingers. Closing my eyes, I sought my inner calm.
Instead, I found my wolf.
White-furred and beautiful, she looked back at me with deep amber eyes and a need so raw she took my breath away.
I know. I know you need out. I know the deer wasn’t enough. You need to hunt. We will. But not yet.
Steady eyes held mine, and I refused to look away.
We need to get through this. Show them we can.
Irritation flickered in her eyes, and I felt it in my soul. She didn’t need to show anyone anything.
I understood her need.
I understood her desire.
I understood her anger.
I know.
I watched her dip her head in acknowledgment, and I saw her take a step back. As she moved backward, retreating, I felt my fangs retract. My claws shrank back into my fingers.
“Would you look at that.” A low whistle of appreciation sounded throughout the room, echoing in the emptiness.
His voice jarred me. My wolf hesitated and looked beyond me. Searching. Another roll of heat erupted from my core, and I felt us both struggle to contain it.
My eyes flew open, and I met his dark green stare.
“You,” I snarled as I scrambled to my feet. “Monster.”
Cannon stared at me. “Pup, you have no idea.”
Kris stepped in front of him. “I appreciate your help,” he told him, and I saw the tension across my brother’s shoulders. “I can take it from here.”
Cannon didn’t look away from me. “Yeah? Well, I have five of my pack upstairs guarding this door to keep your townsfolk away from her. So, I don’t think you can.”
“Five?” Bale asked him as he looked toward the stairs that led out of the cells.
“Already restrained three.” Cannon flicked his attention to the pack leader. “Your boy needed to be knocked out twice.”
Kris grunted in displeasure but never moved from guarding me from Cannon.
“Go,” Kris told Bale. “I’ll stay with her until she sleeps.”