Page 29 of Wolf's Gambit
Teasing me.
With rage, I threw myself at the bars.
I was going to rip his throat out.
These bars wouldn’t stop me.
I was going to kill him.
My body was lithe and strong, but I needed more power. With a roar, she came forth. My beautiful, fierce wolf burst forward, her howl of anger reverberating off the cells as she charged repeatedly at the bars. I could feel the walls of my prison shaking. In my back seat of her awareness, I saw the dust falling from above as she crashed against the iron bars.
Everywhere was pain and need.
She needed out of this cell.
She needed to hunt.
She needed?—
The male in front of her was not who she sought. She moved back from the bars, fangs bared, and a low warning growl rumbled in her chest.
It’s Kris, I told her. He means you no harm.
She growled at him in warning.
No! It’s our brother. He will not hurt you.
The growl became deeper.
“Kez, pull her back,” Kris cautioned, moving closer to the bars.
My wolf leaped at the bars, jaws snapping as she pushed her muzzle through, desperate to bite.
“For fuck’s sake, Kezia!” Kris yelled. “Get your wolf under control! Now!”
Control? There was no control. I could feel myself shaking as hysteria overwhelmed me. There was no control, only the hunt.
We needed out.
She threw herself again at the bars, her body strong, the iron stronger, but even so, she fought.
She would not be contained.
“Kez,” Kris pleaded. He looked scared. I’d never seen that look from my brother before, not that I remembered.
My wolf didn’t care. I felt her rib crack as she charged against the cell again, the pain insignificant in a body already strung too tight.
“Let her out.”
Kris whirled to the voice of him. “Are you insane?” he demanded. “Look at her!”
“I am,” Cannon told him as he walked to the cell, the dim light illuminating his bare chest. “If you don’t let her out, I’m going in.” Hard green eyes watched my wolf, and her growl echoed loudly. “You don’t want me to go in,” he murmured softly.
“If she’s free, I can’t protect her like this,” Kris whispered desperately.
Cannon laughed. “Look at her! She doesn’t need protection. Let her out. She needs to hunt.”