Page 32 of Wolf's Gambit
“I know.”
Coming to a stop, I gave him the full force of my anger. “This is bullshit.”
“I’m sorry. I can’t leave her.” My brother looked truly torn. “And I can’t let this opportunity to keep you safe slip past us, Kez.” Running his hand over his hair in frustration, he met my narrow-eyed glare. “Tell me how to choose?”
Well, that wasn’t fair. It was an impossible choice—leave his mate behind to run with his sister and find out who killed their parents or leave his sister behind to keep his mate.
“Why do you think Cannon will move against me?” I asked him quietly.
“Because he’s fascinated with you.” Kris frowned in anger. “I can blend, mostly, but you? Few teenage girls have white-blonde hair, Kez. Your hair was this color as a pup. If it wasn’t him, whoever’s in his pack will remember you.”
“If it was them.”
Angry blue eyes snapped to mine. “It was them.”
“So, we’re back to where I was before my heat.” Rolling my head on my shoulders, I tried to loosen the tension in my neck. “I run. I hide. I become the coward you tell me I’m not.”
“No. You survive.”
“Do I? How?” Looking down at my naked body, I gestured to myself. “I’m naked. I have nothing.”
“You have your wolf,” he corrected me.
True. She was clever, more than me which was kind of weird. “Do you think he’ll look for me?” I asked, but my gut told me he would.
“Will Bale?”
One of my brother’s finer qualities was that he didn’t pull punches. “Wow, that hurt more than I thought it would.”
“Are you?” I challenged him. “I go, and your life becomes easier in the pack.”
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that,” he growled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“This is bullshit,” I mumbled angrily. But my wolf was ready. I could feel her sitting there in the back of my awareness. Waiting. Tears slipped down my cheeks. “I can’t believe this is really happening.”
“You’re ready, little sister,” Kris whispered. “I wouldn’t let you go if you weren’t.”
“I think this is terrible parenting on your part.”
Kris laughed loudly in the glade’s quiet. “I will send out a daily apology to the universe to ask for forgiveness for letting you loose upon it, completely unsupervised.”
Sniffling, I grinned. “What if I never shift back?” I asked the question I’d always been too scared to voice before.
I watched as he swallowed hard, his unspoken fear confirmed in that one action. “We have to hope that you will.” Kris looked away briefly, breaking eye contact. “I know you will.”
I groaned loudly, tugging at my hair. “This is a horrible idea.”
“Trust your instincts and trust your wolf.”
Nodding, I looked to the south. Seeing the wide-open grasslands, I wet my bottom lip in anticipation. “I do trust her.”
“Then go.” I heard the snap, and his brown wolf stood in front of me. I knew why he did it. I would have too—neither of us was good at showing emotion.