Page 61 of Wolf's Gambit
Even human prisoners got a shower. Didn’t they?
I’d been in this cell for an additional three days. Once a day, Nikan would come with a tray, with guards I never saw at his back, and he would deliver a tray with food through a slot at the bottom of the cell door.
The first day, it was a simple sandwich and a bottle of water. The second day, I got soup and a sandwich. I said nothing, eating my food faster than being polite.
Today, they had moved away from sandwiches, and I could smell the chicken as Nikan walked toward me. Eagerly, I stayed on the cot, but I was salivating already at the rich aroma wafting toward me.
“Stay where you are,” Nikan warned me, but the coldness had gone from his face, and I almost glimpsed the playful man I’d met in the store all those months ago.
“Not moving,” I assured him, my eyes trained on the tray. “What is it? Chicken and…”
“It’s chicken with?—”
He grimaced as it cut him off. The reprimand was heavy in the air. They may have moved me, but the spotlight and the darkness concealing watchful eyes hadn’t changed.
“I’ll find out myself,” I whispered as he slid the tray inside. The tray was barely through, and I was on the floor, removing the metal plate covering it. A simple chicken breast looked back at me. Nothing else. Just a plain, tiny chicken breast.
Looking up at him, he looked apologetic as he stepped back.
“What? This is it?” I asked in frustration. “I’m a wolf,” I reminded them all, my voice rising. “Why keep me here if all you want to do is starve me?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, let him speak!” I snapped back. “What the hell do you think he’s going to do? Be suddenly persuaded to let me out?” I picked up the chicken with my fingers and bit into it. Flavor rushed into my mouth, and I almost groaned. “Either this is delicious, or I’m desperate for food.”
“Are you hungry, Kezia?” Nikan asked.
I took another bite. “No, I’m feeling stuffed and content. Of course, I’m hungry. Your people have starved me.”
“We’re not starving you,” he corrected gently. He turned as another man walked into the light.
He was tall and bulky, with bulging muscles to rival Cannon’s. Short, reddish hair and deep brown eyes, his skin was deep bronze, making my pale skin tone look even more ghostly in comparison.
“Hi,” I greeted, taking another bite. “What makes you come out of the shadows?” I saw Nikan twist his head to avoid his grin at my attitude.
“You will not talk to the alpha’s brother.”
Flicking my gaze between them, I ate the last bit of chicken. “Why?” I asked as I chewed, rubbing my hands on my pants. “Who said?”
The new guy narrowed his eyes at me, and I mock glared back before I rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention back to Nikan.
“Why can’t I talk to you? Is this my punishment? Small temptations of food to remind me how hungry I am?”
“Your punishment,” New Guy said, “has yet to be determined.”
“Where’s my brother?” I asked Nikan, ignoring Mr. Posturing and Huffing. “When does Pack Leader Bale get here?”
“Enough questions!”
“Luna’s grace!” I shouted in exasperation. “Will you take a fucking pill and calm your ass down? You’re giving me indigestion.”
“I think that’s more likely the speed at which you ate your food,” Nikan jabbed with a wry smile.
“I’m hungry,” I told him. “If there is any food to spare,” I told him earnestly, “I would be very grateful if I could get some more.”