Page 69 of Wolf's Gambit
I almost choked in surprise at the wistful sound of my name on her lips, hating how much I wanted to hear her murmur my name that way again.
Her head turned toward me, her eyelids fluttering open as ice-blue eyes found me immediately, pinpointing me effortlessly as I stood in the dark. “Cannon, you dirty bastard…what the fuck did you do to me?”
Why was I so aware if I was so deeply asleep? Curled in a ball, my hands tucked under my face as I lay there, I could feel her moving as I remembered what happened.
He stood back, away from her, giving her room. The alpha was backing away from her? Then I saw her see the deer at the same time as I did. Her focus shifted to the blood trickling from the wound, and puncture marks on its neck that were not hers allowed blood to spill.
Her hunger took over. She would have knocked the alpha aside if he hadn’t been quick to move. Blood filled her mouth as she fed. I could feel her satisfaction as she took her fill of the fresh meat. He’d starved her on purpose. Not to make her weak, us weak, like I had thought. He’d done it so I would be closer to losing control.
What had he said?
Your heat will come on quicker if you are hungry, angry, or with need.
I’d been all three. He had engineered it so I was all three. Even buried deep in my wolf’s mind, I knew why he had tricked me. He tricked me with his body and lured me in with his scent. I’d heard tales that an alpha’s scent could be just as potent as a female’s in heat. I had never believed it. Of course, that scummy bastard would use his alpha power to seduce me.
When I got control back, I was going to rip his throat out.
Sitting up, I watched her as she fed. She’d taken as much as she wanted from the first deer. The second was dead but still warm. She moved onto it, using the wounds from the kill to tear the hide away from the flesh. Her savagery as she fed told me how hungry she was. As I watched her eat her favorite parts first, I was reminded how fierce my wolf was. I wasn’t squeamish—I was a shifter—but something was nauseating me as I watched her eat the heart, liver, and lungs.
I turned my head away. The blood, the ripping of flesh from bone, and memories that weren’t mine surfaced. I saw the terror in their eyes as she dismembered them and the snaps of their bones as she killed them.
My awareness jerked me around, and I saw her looking back at me. Golden amber eyes watched me, her muzzle thick with blood, her nose shiny and wet.
You need to shift. I tried to sound forceful to convince myself I was in control. He tricked you.
He tricked you, she said with a huff. I waited.
Well, now I felt all kinds of stupid. Even my wolf had known what the good-looking asswipe had been doing. It doesn’t matter, I snapped angrily. You’re letting him win!
Her eyes held an ancient wisdom I knew I didn’t possess. Sleep, child, she commanded. I was already lying down becoming less aware. No harm will come to you.
The alpha was in front of me. He’d covered all the toned muscle the human liked to look at and then pretended she wasn’t. He was in control of his Will. I could see the wolf behind his eyes, but he wasn’t using his true alpha Will. The man was strong. Not just in muscles, but his brain was sharp. His wolf was stronger, and him I wanted to see.
“Why did you kill the humans?” he asked again.
He asked mundane questions, questions the child would have answered had he asked her better. He kept questioning about the males we’d killed. He didn’t need to know that it was over. Done. We would do it again. Each time he made me submit, we’d done it. But in this, he wasn’t strong enough without his wolf’s Will too.
He never called his wolf forth. A weakness?
Why would he show me his weakness? It didn’t matter why. We would remember. All weaknesses were ours to exploit.
Luna, it felt like I’d been asleep for days. My belly was full, and as I slowly awakened, I rubbed my cheek absently, remembering the feeling of his knuckles over my skin.
My body remembered how I’d responded to him. The way he touched me, kissed me, used his mouth and hands. My wolf huffed, and I glared at her.
You were no use, I scolded. You seemed to enjoy it.
She’d shifted. I was back in my human form. How? Warily, I eyed her, but her head was on her paws, her eyes closed. I needed answers, but she was quite obviously telling me I had to wait. I wanted to press, but then I caught the scent of him.