Page 33 of One Summer to Forever
“Well,” there was a twinkle in Elena’s eyes as she looked past Riley, “I think you might be about to get your wish.”
Whipping her body around too quickly, Riley fell out of her chair as she looked up at Harlow walking toward her. Riley scrambled to her feet as she ran to Harlow. Harlow wrapped her arms around her and held her tight.
“What are you doing here?” Riley mumbled into Harlow’s shoulder.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” Framing Harlow’s face with her hands, Riley looked into her gorgeous brown eyes. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Was it a good surprise?” Elena asked with a laugh as Riley spun around to face her. “Oh, yeah. We knew she was coming.”
“We’re why she came,” added Skylar.
Riley looked back to Harlow for answers.
“I’m here for a job interview.”
“For a job interview?”
“Yeah,” Harlow laughed.
“With who?”
“With us,” Elena and Skylar answered in unison. Skylar looked to Elena, who nodded for her to continue. “Actually, we wanted to talk to both of you about jobs.”
Under the table, Harlow took hold of Riley’s hand. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed the simple touch until she had gone a month without it.
“So, Elena and I want to create an album together, just the two of us. We’ve not written all the songs for it yet, but I think it’s coming along nicely.”
“And after the album is released, we want to do a tour of some smaller venues around the country.”
“That way it’s more intimate for our fans than a huge arena.”
“I think that’s an awesome idea.” Riley was on the edge of her seat as she listened to them explain their plan.
“We want you and Harlow to be a part of our team again. Riley would do social media and Harlow would be our manager.”
“Tour manager, right?” Harlow asked, a sense of confusion lingering in her voice.
Elena grinned. “Nope. Just manager.”
“We know you have other clients so we…”
Harlow cut them off by shaking her head. “I have employees for that. This is what I’ve always wanted to do. Managing a band, and a Maine Event spin-off band at that, has been my goal for years. And if it means I can move here and be closer to Riley, then I’m totally in.” She turned to Riley and smiled widely. “No questions asked.”
“That’s awesome!” Skylar high fived Harlow, then looked at Riley. “What do you think, Riley? You up for doing social media for us again?”
“Are you kidding me?” Her nervous giggle bubbled up as she squeezed Harlow’s hand on her knee. “This is all a dream come true.”
“Awesome. I’m glad we have the dream team back together again.”
After spending a few more minutes talking, the group dispersed for the night with plans to meet the next day to go over more details. Riley’s head was still spinning as she and Harlow walked hand in hand along Main Street. They were both quiet, so quiet that Riley suddenly wondered if she should be telling Harlow how happy she was about the turn of events.
But Harlow beat her to it.