Page 24 of Voodoo Burning
I press my teeth into the curve where her neck meets her shoulder. “Late enough that your phone is blowing up with messages.”
“Oh, God,” she groans as her eyes fly open and she starts to push me away. I chuckle. “Get up,” she laughs.
“I don’t think so. My dick is quite fond of your pussy, Dominique. I think I’ll let him stay there a while.”
Her eyes meet mine, big and round and clear and inviting. And pleasantly shocked. “You are so dirty.”
“No,” I nip the tip of her nose, “just honest.” I roll off her. As soon as I do, she shoots from the bed and is across the room to where her phone is on the dresser.
“Five messages from the precinct,” she grumbles with her head bent over the electronic in all her naked deliciousness. “They haven’t gotten any prints from my car yet.” She sounds disappointed.
It’s not surprising they haven’t gotten any identifying evidence, at least I don’t believe so. I’m not a cop, but that’s the impression I get.
“Come lay down, Dominique, or all my cum is going to drip down your legs.”
“Ignatius,” she gasps as she comes back to bed.
I smirk as she curls her body against mine, lays her head on my chest and I wrap an arm around her to pull her close. “Were there prints at the other crime scenes?” I ask.
“No, nothing.” I can hear her frustration.
I can’t blame her, frankly, I am as well. The whole thing is a cluster fuck of horrific proportions beyond anything I’ve ever seen before.
“Do you guys have any clues or leads?” I squeeze her tighter.
Her body is tense, and I hate it. I hate that she’s been dragged into the center of this. I hate that she’s no longer a body that lurks in the background of the investigation, one of the wheels and cogs in the big machine of criminal investigation.
I fucking hate that she’s a name and a face to the psycho motherfucker who’s butchering women and burning them alive. That should not have happened. I’d love to kick the bastard’s ass who released her name to the papers. You don’t do that shit, you don’t put a woman out there like a red flag to a bull, taunting them and feeding their fury.
She lets out a heavy breath. “The only thing we’ve got is the voodoo symbols.” She tilts her head up and our eyes meet. “And The Seven Deadly Sins. You’ve got to be right about that, Ignatius, I should have seen it myself.”
It makes me feel good that I could help her in some way. It’s difficult not being able to protect her twenty-four hours a day. I was one of the first at all the crimes, I’ve seen firsthand what this sick bastard can do. If I could, I’d take Dominique far away from here, away from all this madness, away from the danger, away from the torture. But I know she wouldn’t go.
“I’m glad I could help in some small way.”
“Ignatius, that was huge. It gives us a real direction to look, it narrows things down from a million to a more manageable thousand.” I roll my eyes, because it seems like it really is looking for a needle in a haystack. She nudges me. “I’m serious. I’ve asked Hattie to have a look at what was on my car, but I’ve got some ideas I want to follow.”
Every instinct within me wants me to tie her to my bed to keep her from looking for the killer. Instead I say, “You won’t be going anywhere alone.”
“I’ll be fine,” the words leave her mouth, but they don’t carry the weight of their intention. Dominique is not feeling it.
“I’m taking a leave of absence. Looks like you’ve got yourself a new partner.”
“You can’t,” she begins to argue.
“I can do whatever I damn well please, the Beauchamp’s have been doing exactly that since we first got here.”
It’s her turn to roll her eyes. “I’ve heard.”
“Then you know the rules don’t apply to us.” I roll us both and pin her to the bed, her bare flesh an aphrodisiac to me.
“I’ve heard that as well,” she mumbles as her eyelids dip with the stirrings of desire.
My thickening shaft glides along her wet slit. “Then you are also aware we take what we want,” I tell her, my voice now rough and gravelly.
“I am,” her head dips back as her knees fall open for me once again.
My cock slips inside her a second time this morning, still not having enough of her. She lets out a long breath as her eyes slowly close.
“Right now, I want to make you scream,” I whisper close to her ear.
Because there isn’t much more I want than that.