Page 5 of Wicked Little Thief
“I’m almost done with The Exchange by John Grisham.”
“That’s the sequel to The Firm, isn’t it?”
He raised an eyebrow as if impressed she knew that, before replying, “Yeah. I’ve read all of his books.”
Then there was no point asking him if he liked it. Instead, she switched topics.
“And what industry are you in?”
“I think she wants to go out.”
He nodded to where Phoebe was dancing in front of the French doors.
“Oh. Yeah, I think you’re right.”
Liam moved to open the door, and Phoebe quickly ran out to do her business.
Motioning for Utah to follow, he said, “Come on, let me show you the backyard.”
They stepped off the small brick patio onto the immaculate grounds. The lush green grass and perfectly trimmed bushes, along with more flowers, made it feel like paradise.
Liam gestured to the brick fence that matched the house perfectly. “It’s completely enclosed.”
She glanced around the big, beautifully manicured lawn as they walked along a pathway. “You might consider fencing a smaller portion, so she doesn’t have the run of your entire yard. It will be easier to clean up after her that way, and you won’t have to worry about stepping in anything outside her area.”
“I hadn’t thought about that, but that’s a good idea.”
They approached a larger patio off the main part of the house, and he gestured to a circular, in-ground hot tub. “The spa has a cover you can walk on, so even if she gets out of her area, there’s no danger of her falling in the water.”
Utah nodded in acknowledgment. She loved that he’d given that consideration.
“It’s so peaceful back here. You must spend all your free time outside—in the warmer months, anyway.”
His smile was sad when he said, “I told you. I work fourteen-hour days, often six days a week.” He then huffed out a laugh and shook his head. “I have no business having a dog. I’m not sure this is a good idea.”
Utah tried not to panic. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if Phoebe went back to the rescue. But the little spaniel already seemed so comfortable here. Not to mention she adored Liam.
“This is just a trial basis. You’re only fostering her right now. You can afford help, so she’ll be taken care of during the day. And wouldn’t it be nice to have someone excited and waiting for you when you get home after a long day?”
He wasn’t even subtle as he scanned Utah from head to toe and back up before drawling, “Yeah, I’d really like that. Maybe I wouldn’t even work so much.”
She felt like she was under some sort of spell as she kept his gaze. A vision of her greeting him with a kiss as he came in the kitchen from the garage popped in her head.
This must be what swooning feels like.
Utah finally looked away when Phoebe came running up to them.
Liam’s voice interrupted her silent adoration. “So, I was thinking we could go to the pet store to get everything she needs. And while we’re out, we can decide if we want to go out for dinner, pick up takeout, or have something delivered.”
Utah paused mid-kneel to pet Phoebe and blinked at him. “We’re having dinner?”
He examined the pink and purple petunia flowers in one of the four-foot clay pots, pausing to deadhead a few.
“Of course. What kind of cad would invite you to his home without planning on feeding you?”
“Oh, you’d be surprised…” She rubbed Phoebe’s soft ears then stopped when she realized what was happening. “But I didn’t agree to have dinner with you.”
“You didn’t? I thought we talked about that on the phone yesterday.”