Page 58 of Illicit Throne
I turned to look at her. “Excuse me? You think I’m going to let the pregnant mother of my child sleep on the floor?”
She took a second to answer me. “Well, I’m not sleeping on a bed with you. So it’s the floor or I stand by the corner all night long.”
I glanced around, hoping for a lounger, a chair of some sort. There wasn’t one there. This room was designed for fucking. “You’re being unreasonable.”
“Oh, yeah. Okay. And you’re the beacon of being reasonable.”
“You need rest.”
“Yeah,” she replied, her eyes narrowing. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
“Oh, for God’s sake,” I gritted my teeth. “Fine! Fine. I’ll sleep on the floor. You can sleep on the bed.”
“Thank you. The incubator needs to be comfortable.” She didn’t sound grateful at all.
“That’s fucking uncalled for.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh, it is?”
I ignored her, tossing the comforter of the bed aside and grabbing one of the sheets. “Don’t say I don’t do anything for you.”
“You’re the most charitable human being I’ve ever met.”
“Fuck you, Orsini,” I replied, making my way to the corner of the room with a pillow and a sheet in tow. How could I make her understand that I really was just trying to do right by her? That I only wanted to protect her?
She was so stubborn. It was so…annoying.
And interesting. No one had ever dared challenge me like her, and it was refreshing. Exhilarating, even. Just also really fucking frustrating.
Adriana got under the covers, then took her jeans off and threw them on the floor, glaring at me.
“I have shirts you can use.”
“No, it’s fine,” she said, taking off her bra without removing her top. “I’ll live.”
“Fine. Be uncomfortable, then!”
“Okay!” she replied, matching my tone. “Good night.”
She turned off the lamp next to the bed and I heard her move around, the sheets rustling under her as she tried to get comfortable.
I rolled over, staring at the wall, wincing when I realized that the pain on my side hadn’t really subsided. My hands hurt, too, but my knuckles would be fine.
“What’s wrong with you?” Adriana asked after I muttered a soft curse word under my breath.
“Oh, nothing. I just got shot, and now I have to sleep on the floor.”
Adriana groaned. “You can’t use the I got shot card.”
“It’s a card? If I knew it was a playable card, I would’ve used it ages ago.”
That seemed to soften her a little. “Fine. Come here.”
“You can sleep on the bed,” she said. “Just…don’t touch me. Okay?”
I resisted the urge to ask her if she was sure. I didn’t care. I really wanted to sleep on the bed. “Not a problem,” I said, grabbing the sheet and the pillow and throwing them on the unoccupied side of the bed.