Page 29 of Alpha Fate
I can’t remember a time when Steel Lakes looked so good to me. But now, as it lies up ahead, I feel a warmth flood through me.
We’re back.
It’s as if the same sensation ripples through the rest of the pack as we form a line along a ridge overlooking our home turf. Ahead lies the sprawling settlement we’ve made our pack lands. And compared to Leadmills, it’s paradise.
Setting Savannah on her feet, I turn her to face the village. “That’s home, sunshine,” I tell her.
She stopped objecting to being carried a couple of hours ago, and I’m guessing it’s because exhaustion has overtaken her. We’d been carefully rationing her small sips of water while we traveled, trying to hydrate her without flooding her system. Now she sways slightly, and without thinking, I pull her against me. The contact tingles somehow. But she’s small and warm…and far too thin; her frail limbs feel like they might snap in my grasp. I soften my grip.
“Home,” she says, looking outward. She twists her head to look up at me. “I want to walk down there on my own steam.”
I nod in understanding. She needs to find her own strength. To put the last weeks of vulnerability behind her and be seen for herself.
I get it.
“Come,” I say, reaching for her hand. That tingles, too. She takes a step forward, draws in a breath, and then resists me. I frown, releasing her fingers.
Why did I do that? Hold her hand?
“Wait.” She gnaws on her lip. “I can’t go in there.”
“Why not?” Jagger has stepped up beside me. I notice how the others have moved up around us, a protective shield against the outside world. She’s one of us now.
“Because he’ll find me there. I’ll…I’ll put everyone in danger.” Savannah looks stricken.
Jagger chuckles. “If that fucker comes back, he’s in for a world of trouble. Your sister is waiting, and if I’m not back there today, she’ll have my balls.”
Savannah takes in a deep breath, exhales slowly, and then nods. “Okay.” She steps forward.
We make our way across the plain between us and the small town, and I grip Savannah’s arm to help support her as we approach the giant metal door that separates Steel Lakes from the world beyond. The huge barrier slowly begins to lift, grinding noisily upward.
As soon as there’s enough space to slip through, a lithe, dark-haired figure darts out. Sierra. She barrels straight for us, making a beeline for Savannah.
“Oh my God!” Sierra throws her arms around her twin, hugging her fiercely. Savannah stands rigidly at first, confusion clouding her gaze. “It’s me!” Sierra chokes out, taking Savannah’s face in her cupped hands. “Oh my God, what have they done to you?” Tears streak her cheeks.
Savannah continues to stare, but soon recognition dawns in her eyes. “Sierra?” Her voice is husky, choked with emotion. “Sierra!” she says again, a strangled cry. “It’s you! I know it’s you!” She lets out a sob as she returns the embrace, both women clinging to each other as tears stream down their faces.
I can’t help but stare at the two of them standing so close together. They’re identical in so many ways, yet somehow Savannah seems softer, more vulnerable. I find my gaze lingering on her heart-shaped face, taking in every detail. Sierra is stunning, no doubt about that – I’d been taken with her from the start – but something about her sister pulls at me even more strongly.
Sierra finally steps back, her hands on Savannah’s shoulders as she looks her up and down. “I can’t believe you’re really here. I thought I’d lost you forever.”
Savannah just nods, fresh tears welling in her eyes.
Sierra turns to the rest of us, then, gratitude shining in her expression. “Thank you. All of you. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for bringing my sister back to me.”
Releasing Savannah, she rushes to Jagger, pulling him into a fierce hug and raining kisses over his face until he laughs.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she blurts between kisses.
“Keep that up, and I’ll make a habit of rescuing damsels in distress,” he jokes.
“God forbid!” Sierra playfully smacks his shoulder before turning back to Savannah. “We need to get you to Dr. Bea right away; make sure you’re okay.”
Savannah shakes her head, panic flashing across her face. “Doctor? No. I…I… just want to rest. That’s all I need.”
“You have to go, Savvie, it’s important. Just look at you!” She’s still running anxious eyes over her twin. For the first time, I take a good look at her, too; I haven’t seen much of Savannah aside from the haunting face and eyes I’ve been driven by these past couple of days. Painfully thin, she’s barefoot and draped in a frayed yellow sundress that’s seen better days. I’m guessing that’ll be tossed out, maybe burned, as soon as she gets a chance.
Savannah looks around, almost fearfully, until her eyes rest on me. “I won’t go without Gage.”