Page 65 of Alpha Fate
“Jagger says it’s fine. I already asked him.”
I stare at Gage, stunned. “You…you asked Jagger for permission already?”
He nods, a hint of uncertainty crossing his face. “I hope that’s okay. I know it’s fast, but after what we just shared…”
“No, no, it’s not that.” I reach out to cup his cheek. “I want this too, believe me. I just can’t believe you went to Jagger so soon. When did you even have the time?”
Gage relaxes, pressing his lips into my palm briefly. “Right after you left for the clinic earlier. I didn’t want to wait – not when I was sure about us.”
His admission makes my heart surge. Still, anxiety gnaws at me. “And he agreed? Just like that?”
“Well, not exactly.” Gage grimaces. “He wasn’t thrilled, but he accepted it. Said he couldn’t stand in the way of a true bond.”
I blow out a breath. “God, Sierra’s going to lose it when she finds out.”
“Hey.” Gage tilts my chin up gently. “This is about you and me, not anyone else. If you need more time, or you’re not ready—”
“No, I am ready,” I assure him quickly. “I want this, Gage. I want you.”
His answering smile is dazzling. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” I press my lips to his, sealing the promise. When we break apart, I add softly, “But everything is happening so fast. It’s a lot to take in.”
Gage’s thumb traces idle patterns on my hip. “I know, sunshine. We can take this at your pace, do things however you want. The ceremony and everything else can wait until you’re comfortable.”
I consider his words. Having a public ceremony does make me nervous after being isolated for so long. But another part of me wants to shout from the rooftops that I’ve found my fated mate.
“Maybe just something small to start,” I suggest tentatively. “Close friends and your team. Perhaps we could do the big formal ceremony later once I’ve settled in more.”
Gage nods. “If that’s what you want, sounds perfect to me.” His hand stills on my hip. “There’s one other thing. I’m going to ask Jagger to assign us a unit in the family quarters once we make the bond official.”
“A…family unit?” My breath catches. To go from Rack’s prisoner to having a real home with my mate…a family…it’s almost too much to comprehend.
“Too much?” He looks at me steadily.
“No! Not too much at all.” My voice has grown choked. My head is racing with the thousands of things that still have to fall into place. Uncovering the plan behind our abduction and finding the others. Reaching out to my parents…my pack. Not to mention dealing with the dilemma about Cole.
But my heart… My heart says other things. My heart says this is what I need to do. It says that everything is working out just as it should.
Everything is going to be wonderful.
Chapter 21
My heart pounds against my ribcage, a mix of excitement and apprehension that propels me back to Jagger and Sierra’s apartment. The air feels heavy, like it’s resisting every step I take, every breath I draw. And yet, the same air is making me lightheaded. Giddy, as I think of all that’s just happened.
I have a mate! A bond! It’s real.
After a long, hot shower to wash off his scent – which didn’t work well because we only ended up lost in each other again – Gage had gone to Jagger to tell him about what we had just discussed. I need to talk to Sierra to explain what happened with Gage. To try to explain this force pulling me toward him, defying logic, defying reason.
“Si! Si, I need to tell you something,” I call as I burst through the door to the apartment, my breath catching at the sight before me. Dr. Bea sits across from Sierra at the kitchen table, both of them wearing expressions carved from stone. I’m taken aback – why is Dr. Bea here now? We just parted ways at the clinic.
Oh God, Edirn! Maybe he died!
I don’t want to think that because he’d seemed to be getting better. But there’d been that thing Casey spoke about. Terminal lucidity or something? Clarity before death?
Oh, that poor, poor man…