Page 81 of Alpha Fate
“You were incredible, sunshine. My brave, beautiful girl.”
She nuzzles against me, tail swishing. Then she freezes, ears pricking toward Rack. A menacing growl rumbles in her throat.
I turn to see Rack, half-shifted, surging to his feet, his face a mask of hatred.
“I’ll kill you…” he rasps. “I’ll kill you both…”
Savannah snarls, hackles raised to attack. Before I can step forward, the dark wolf is flying toward him, and I watch in astonishment as she hits him center of mass.
“Savannah! No!” I shout. But there’s no stopping her. She collides with him like a rabid animal, all gnashing teeth and snapping jaws.
This isn’t the fight of a frightened, vulnerable captive. Savannah moves with deadly precision, fueled by vengeance; I can see it gleaming from her narrowed green eyes. I watch in awe as she dances around Rack, evading his clumsy strikes and darting in to tear bloody chunks from his hide.
He may be bigger, but she’s faster, weaving between his lumbering attacks. Rack is still weak and disoriented from our fight. He lashes out wildly, driven by desperation. But Savannah anticipates his every move.
She ducks under a swipe of his claws and goes for his hamstring in a blur of movement. Rack howls as her fangs sink in, nearly severing the tendon. He stumbles, leg giving out beneath him. Before he can recover, Savannah is on his back, jaws closing around the vulnerable join between neck and shoulder.
Rack thrashes violently but can’t dislodge her. Savannah’s wolf has the taste of blood now. She won’t stop until her enemy is dead and cold beneath her.
I force myself not to intervene. This isn’t my fight. As much as I want to protect my mate, she needs this. Needs to be the one to end the monster who tormented her and her sister. Who preyed upon so many innocent lives.
Savannah meets my gaze, and I see the resolve burning there. She won’t stop until he’s finished. My brave, fierce warrior. She rips her head back, taking a chunk of Rack’s flesh with her.
He howls, the sound wet and gurgling now as dark blood spills down his chest. Staggering up, he tries to flee. But there’s nowhere to go. Nowhere my mate’s fury won’t find him.
With another snarl, Savannah’s jaws close around the back of his neck, fangs sinking deep. Rack thrashes weakly, but his strength is fading along with the last of his life’s blood.
Savannah braces her paws against his shoulders and wrenches her head to the side. There’s an audible snap, and Rack goes limp beneath her. It’s only then that she releases him and steps back, muzzle dripping red.
It’s over.
I almost can’t believe it. The creature who’s haunted our pack will never hurt anyone again. Savannah stands over his body, sides heaving, staring down at her handiwork. I move to her side and run my fingers through her dense pelt.
“It’s done, my love. You stopped him.”
She turns and nuzzles into me, the tension easing from her body.
“No one will ever hurt you again. I swear it.”
The warehouse falls silent except for the soft sound of Savannah’s panting.
And then, I’m watching as those intelligent green eyes change shape, begin to adjust as her face morphs smoothly into the woman I’ve grown to love.
Savannah stands before me, naked as the day she was born, naked as I am…there’s a purity in it as we stand exposed to each other. And even blood-splattered, she’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever laid eyes on.
“I did it.” She sounds disbelieving.
I nod at her. “My green-eyed monster.” I smile in spite of the horror surrounding us.
She smiles back. “No, you’re mine.” My smile broadens.
“I can’t believe how brave you are.” I’m still awestruck. I stroke her hair, her back, reassuring myself that she is real and unharmed. Rack will never lay a hand on her again.
“Me? You’re the one who saved me.”
“Did you think I wouldn’t?”
Savannah lowers her eyes. “I wasn’t sure.”