Page 112 of Ruthless Hunter
“Yes, but not to give her family. My father fell out of business with her father. At the time, he worked for us. From then, she and her family were always looking to regain what they lost. I just didn’t know how low they would go. I didn’t know she would turn to Jackson. But I should have followed my gut.”
“You suspected they were together before?”
“Yes. And I was right. They’d always had something on the side. Things just became more serious when Jackson inherited his grandfather’s shipping company. But in order to get it, he needed to get married. He also needed an heir. Alexis wanted in. Jackson offered her a lot of money to be with him and have his child. So, she got rid of my baby to take the deal.”
“Did she have to do that?”
“The baby had to be his or the deal would have fallen through. Their marriage and child is what took their companies to the next level.”
Jackson and Alexis’ families are always featured in the media for how strong they are and the work they do throughout New York, but I never imagined that they got their power through something like this. To think I idolized that woman. And worse, I was jealous of her.
“The papers make Alexis seem like an angel.”
“It’s a façade of shit.” Hunter releases a heavy sigh and clenches his jaw. “In regard to what happened to me, well… catching my best friend and fiancée together in bed was bad enough. Alexis’ confession to carrying Jackson’s baby was another stab, but finding out what happened to mine sent me over the edge.”
A cold chill corrodes my lungs. “What did you do?”
“In a fit of rage and despair, I drank myself stupid then got in my car and drove. I crashed it and had to be cut out. That’s where the scar comes from. I was in a coma for weeks. I was told I flatlined twice and they had to bring me back. I nearly died.”
“Oh my God.” My voice trembles with all the emotions that assail me.
“I was on death’s doorstep, but the only thing I could think of was my baby’s heartbeat at Alexis’ first scan. That tiny heartbeat is the thing I think of when I remember the past. I heard my baby’s heartbeat, and Jackson and Alexis got rid of my son or daughter for money.”
I cup his face and gaze deep into his eyes. What I see there is something I’ve never seen before.
It’s a lost look that reminds me of a man who’s had his heart ripped out and shattered.
“I’m so sorry, Hunter.”
As if my touch soothes his pain, he leans into my hand.
“Okay. Live and learn. Live, learn, and forget then move on.”
I pull him into my arms and hold him, wanting so desperately to show him that I would never hurt him the way Alexis did. But I don’t think he would believe me.
Finally, I understand him. This is who he is beneath the surface. A man who’s only protecting his heart. This is also most likely the reason he said he didn’t want kids.
The sad thought hits me that Hunter wanted to marry Alexis for love, but I’m still a business arrangement.
He pulls back and tries to school his expression. “Hey, no more talk of sadness. We’re on our honeymoon. Let’s have fun. Okay?”
“Bellissima,” he whispers over my lips and kisses me tenderly.
All the magical experiences I’ve had with him flow into my mind and then my heart.
I know without a doubt that he’s cared about me, but the reason he’s always felt emotionally unavailable to me is because he is.
He has my heart, but I fear I may never have his.
The shattered pieces of his heart were left in the past.
Chapter 26
It's always hard for me to tell that story and unearth old pain.