Page 65 of Ruthless Hunter
Clark Kent is gone. Enter Michele Morrone.
Hunter looks me up and down and the memory of the way we were last time burns my body.
I don't get to think about that for too long because when his gaze switches to Ryan and he gives him an Arctic stare my stomach tightens as if someone shoved a wrench inside me and twisted it.
Hunter pushes off the wall and walks over. He stops a few paces away and looks at us in lethal silent contemplation.
“Hunter, you're here,” I speak first because I don't want that weird silence to continue between us and I really don't want him to say anything rude or abrasive to Ryan.
“I've come to take you to lunch," he replies, intensifying his stare.
The wrench in my stomach twists again, but not with the angst I felt moments ago. It's with the excitement of being asked out on a date by one of New York’s most sought-after men.
“That's too bad,” Ryan speaks up quickly, breaking my thoughts. "We were just on our way out to lunch."
The moment Hunter smiles at Ryan I know whatever he's going to say next is something I won't like.
"Sorry, soldier boy." Hunter glares at him as if he’s a mere ant crawling around beneath his boot. "That's not happening. I’m here now. In case you forgot, Luna is mine. My fiancée."
That’s the second time he’s called me his. The first time, it was just to me, but now he’s staking that claim on me again in front of Ryan. The notion stirs a cacophony of emotions inside me but I try to stay focused.
“I didn’t forget.” Ryan's jaw clenches and he lifts his chin higher in defiance.
“Good, then you’ll do well to remember who you’re talking to. When I come here to pick up my girl for lunch, she leaves with me. When you see me, you back away and shut the fuck up.”
My mouth goes dry and the fear that this could turn into an ugly argument clamors through my mind. I can’t even add the mental note that Hunter just called me his girl to the list of shockers.
Of course, Ryan isn’t going to like being spoken to in such a condescending manner, so his hands balling at his sides is completely expected. I just hope they stay there.
"We already arranged lunch before you got here." Ryan speaks in a stiff tone, still standing his ground, and I really wish he wouldn’t. Hunter Le Blanche is not the guy you do that to. Because you won’t win.
Hunter's expression turns hard, speaking a million and one things at once in silence. The most prominent thing I catch is that Ryan won't be having his way today.
“Lunch is canceled for you, Ryan. Bellissima, come on. Let's go." Hunter looks at me, dismissing Ryan completely as if he never spoke, and like there isn’t a host of elephants between us waiting to fight.
Hunter holds out his hand, beckoning me to go to him, and I know I have to go whether I want to or not.
When I walk toward Hunter, Ryan glares at me. He looks pissed but what can I do?
What can I actually do?
“Sorry, Ryan,” I say. “Maybe we can do lunch another time.”
“Or not," Hunter cuts in, his words embarrassing me even more.
He takes my hand and guides me away.
A frenzy of nerves flaps around in my stomach like a bunch of wild bats that have just been disturbed in a cave.
This man is going to be the death of me. I just know it. Everything about him is too much and he thinks he owns the world.
Then again, he does. He owns my world. He's Hunter Le Blanche.
My damn future husband.
Chapter 17