Page 19 of Forbidden Omega
I gave Orsino a half hug on my way out. “Thank you, man. We’ll be back tonight or tomorrow.”
It would only take a couple hours to get there, and I wasn’t leaving without my family.
I grabbed Davy and Trev. Davy had become one of the best members of my guard, and Trev could use some experience out in the world. We made our way to the garage to find whatever vehicle we would be taking on this journey.
"Your omega isn't gonna mind if I keep you for a day or two, will he?” I asked Davy.
“You know he won't." Davy rolled his eyes with an indulgent smile on his face. “He’s a sucker for hopeless romance stories.”
“Hey, now. It’s not hopeless.”
Since our little trip together, I had met his omega twice. He and Connor would get along well. He was the sweet sort but didn't put up with any guff. He definitely kept Davy on his toes.
"How do we know for sure that this isn't some sort of ambush?” Trev asked.
“Orsino did his due diligence. He did a quick background check on the sheriff and the area. It is not on Mennetti’s radar. Roman used to work as a part of my father’s guard. We trust him. Apparently, he didn't want to give out any information until he knew what we were gonna do with Connor.”
“Just calling us gave away his location." Davy shook his head. “He had to know that.”
"Nope, he actually wouldn't give Orsino any information until he found out what we wanted Connor for. He called from a secure, untraceable line.”
“Interesting.” Trev crossed his arms over his chest. "And what did Orsino tell him?"
"That Connor was mine and we wanted to bring him home, that he was part of this family." I had made no secret of the fact that I was looking for Connor and that I wanted him home. News had obviously reached outside our walls if the sheriff knew to call us.
The only part of the story that remained secret was the pregnancy. Only myself, Andro, and Orsino knew about that. Even Davy, as close as we had become, didn't know.
"I'll drive," I said. "Davy, look up everything you can about this town we're going to. Trev, study the maps so we know our way around town and can make a quick exit if we need to.”
"Sure thing, boss," Davy said.
I kept it under the speed limit. I didn't have the desire to get myself arrested and then have to explain that away. Time seemed to crawl, making the two-hour drive feel like an eternity.
Every time I tried to focus on what I would say to Connor, the words wouldn’t come. I should have let someone else drive so I could write out a speech rather than memorize one.
Best I could come up with was “please” and “I’m sorry.” I doubted that was gonna be good enough.
The town we arrived in was quaint. The streets were lined with old-fashioned lamp posts that held banners advertising some upcoming festival. There were park benches and flowerpots adorning the sidewalk. It was a cute little place where a single omega would be safe. Connor picked well.
I parked at the grocery store and took in my surroundings.
"This is where Connor has been hiding?” Davy slipped his hands in his pockets and looked around.
“Apparently." I could almost feel him nearby.
Trev crossed his arms over his chest and looked up one end of the street and then the other. "Should we meet with the sheriff first?"
I exhaled and took a step forward. "No. I want to find Connor. If he’s not working, we’ll head to the boarding house he’s been staying at.”
Davy leaned over and spoke directly to me, less as my guard and more as a friend. "And what exactly are we gonna say to him in this very public space?"
Trev pulled out a gun, checking the clip.
"Put that away." I gestured for him to stow it before he caused a scene. "We're not gonna force him anywhere. I just need to talk to him."
Trev sighed and tucked the gun back in the holster. "It would be easier just to force him and you can talk to him once we’re out of here and can control the environment.”
He wasn’t wrong, but this situation called for slightly more finesse than that. I scrubbed a hand over my face and chuckled. “Damn, good luck to the omega who catches your eye, Trev. You catch more flies with honey."