Page 11 of The Bratva's Beast
Grinning like a madwoman, I slid out of the car and slammed the door shut before stalking up to Jorge, who stood from his seat on the porch of the decrepit cabin he'd been hiding in.
"You want to do this the easy way or the hard way bucko!?" I shouted across the way from him as I continued to close the distance between us.
Then, as I anticipated, Jorge took off after vaulting over the porch's railing. At the first movement, I was onto him.
I zipped through the area, letting my adrenaline propel my legs toward my fleeing target, who grew closer and closer with each thump of my heart.
With a grunt, I launched myself at him when he was less than an arm's length away. Tackling him with a grunt, I locked my arms around his waist to keep myself anchored to him as the two of us tumbled to the ground with grunts from the impact of our bodies hitting and rolling against the hard, dirt ground.
Quickly, Jorge rolled onto his side. "Fuck!" I hissed in pain when I felt something hit my face, hard. "You'd hit a girl? How rude!" I seethed sarcastically.
Releasing my arms fully from him, I quickly scrambled on top of him before he could get up fully and gave him two quick jabs to his stomach then landing a solid punch across his face. Before I could give another swing to his face, Jorge threw me off with a buck of his hips and a shove from his hands.
Landing to the side with a soft grunt, I quickly recovered and flipped back onto my feet just as Jorge scrambled upright and ran. Reaching down, I picked up the fallen branch next to me and swung it at his back, knocking him back to the ground. "Don't make me break a leg Jorge." I couldn't help the little maniacal giggle from slipping my lips as I slowly stalked up to his cowering body as he tried to scurry away from me.
"W-wait!" His little Adam's apple bobbed a little with his hard swallow as he looked up at me with terrified eyes. "I-I'll go with you! Just put that stick down, and don't hurt me anymore." He pleaded with his hands in the air protectively over his face.
"Hands out." I demanded, reaching into my pocket and pulling out a pair of handcuffs.
With how he was trembling like a leaf, I thought he would make good on his surrender. Unfortunately, he decided to be stupid and test me.
The moment I was within reach, he kicked my legs out from under me, making me land on my ass with a pained grunt. Jorge jumped to his feet and bolted after he struck me, but I didn't let him get far.
Bouncing right back to my feet, I gripped the branch tightly and pulled my arm back, taking aim before chucking the branch at him. My trained eyes followed the branch as it flew through the air and struck my target right in the head, knocking him out cold upon impact.
The faint thump his heavy body made when it fell to the ground brought a victorious smile to my face and a wave of satisfaction to my body as I stalked up to Jorge again.
Sighing softly, I hooked my hands on my hips as I looked down at Jorge's unconscious body. "You just had to make me work out today." It was a playful disappointment, mostly. I wasn't too fond of the fact I had to drag this guy back to the van.
Speaking about the van, I'd forgotten about my little spectators. "Hey, any chance I can get some help lugging this heavy sack of shit back? Pretty please?" I asked over the communications system in a sweet voice, overly saturating it at the end as if I were some child asking for a treat and not some crazy psycho asking for help with moving a body.
"Oh, now she needs our help." I heard Lev scoff in response. No doubt his eyes rolled with his words based on his tone.
Shivers washed over my body at the sound of Stepan's deep chuckle echoing through my ear. "We'll be there in a bit. Good job little tigress." His little praise caused another ripple of shivers to cascade over my warming body as I fought to keep the heat from going to my cheeks.
"Uhh thanks." I replied in a smaller voice than I would have liked.
Why the hell am I getting so worked up over a little pat on the back like that?
Just like yesterday, my body reacted oddly in response to Stepan's words, even if they probably meant nothing or were playful in nature at the most. I wasn't trying to think much about it, but I couldn't help it. I have gotten praises before from people around me, and I've always felt good upon hearing and receiving them. But never have I felt this strongly to anyone in particular. Never have I wanted to hear more from someone.
Until Stepan.
Which was crazy because I'd barely met him and knew little to nothing about him. So, why the hell did my body react so energetically to him?
"Really? You had to knock him out? He's like three hundred pounds, man." Lev groaned sarcastically as he approached me with Stepan right behind him.
"Oh please, I'm pretty sure you bench that on a daily basis, and he's only two hundred seventy-five." I replied playfully with a snort and smirk.
"Hell of an aim ya got." Lev grinned proudly, patting my shoulder as he passed me.
I expected to feel the warmth of his praise like I did from Stepan, but the feeling never came. Instead, I found my feet rocking back and forth while my eyes softly darted to Stepan from under my lashes in a silent plea.
Looking at me with a proud gleam to his eyes, he gave me a soft smile. "Remind me to never run from you if you have something to throw." Stepan chuckled softly, reaching out and ruffling the top of my head lightly.
Unable to help it, I smiled widely with a soft giggle before going over to Jorge to cuff him in case he woke up and struggled.