Page 17 of The Bratva's Beast
"There's my little tigress." I chuckled softly under my breath when I saw the woman I knew come back out. Leaning down close until our faces were mere inches away, I smirked at her knowingly. "Or else you'll find out how uncomfortable it'll be to sit with a burning ass."
"Oh? Don't make empty threats and promises there buddy. Don't you know it's rude to get a girl's hopes up?" Hanna leaned closer to me, narrowing her sharp eyes playfully and daringly.
"I don't make empty promises little tigress."
Fuck, I need to stop this.
Unwillingly, I pulled myself away before I did something the two of us might regret tomorrow. "Buckle up, we need to get you home." I shut the car door on her pouting face with a short chuckle.
Shakily, I took a deep breath and held it briefly before letting it out. I don't know what came over me just now, but I couldn't let it happen again.
As I rounded the front of the car to the driver's side, I recollected and steeled myself. Maybe it was a bad idea to drive her home. After that little exchange, a short car ride alone with her would be suffocating.
Hanna's soft voice and relaxed posture caught me off guard when I sat behind the wheel. "Hey, thanks again for doing this, you really didn't have to." Or maybe not; I guess she let things go faster than I anticipated.
"You gave me some of your time tonight and danced with me when you could have walked away, so it's the least that I can do." I wasn't going to let her know the reason why I didn't want her going off with someone else tonight was because I felt some kind of anger and possessiveness at the thought of it.
"Still, pretty sure you could have used some of the extra time for some sleep or something more productive than driving me home. But, thank you, really." At least she was grateful, and I couldn't help but return her smile with one of my own briefly before turning my attention to the area outside as I pulled the car out of its parking space.
"Trust me, if I didn't want to give you my time then I wouldn't have even glanced in your direction let alone go over to you." Might sound a little harsh, but it was the truth.
As I pulled into the street, I quickly fished my phone out of my pocket and handed it to Hanna after unlocking it. "Put your address into the navigation."
"What? Haven't memorized my address from my file yet?" She joked with a light laugh before I felt my phone slip from my hand.
Keeping my mouth shut, I let out a chuckle in response. I couldn't tell her what I wanted; it would be a little too creepy and forward. I couldn't tell her that her features were what I was too busy committing to my mind than her damn address.
Even when I've tried not to think about Hanna, she still pops up in my mind whenever I'm not fully occupied with work or other business-related things. She was a constant flash at every opening, as if reminding me of the mystery I've yet to solve.
The silent drive to her questionable apartment took little time, a little less than ten minutes with the speeding. One look at the area, and I could feel myself growing uncomfortable at the thought of her sleeping here at night.
"Again, thanks for the ride." She gave me another grateful smile after I threw the car into park.
"It really was no problem, I rather see you home safe myself. I'll walk you up." Like hell was I going to let her head up by herself.
"Stepan, you already drove me home, it's fine, I can still punch a handsy idiot if they try anything." She scoffed with a dismissive wave as she opened the door.
I probably would have been fine with any other woman on any other night, leaving them at that. Then again, any other woman and this treatment wouldn't even be happening.
Well, I'm just looking out for my employee, that's all.
At least, that was the lie I kept telling myself, and it would be the one for now.
Letting out a deep breath, I killed the engine and got out, quickly rounding the car to her side to get the door fully for her and holding my hand out. "Not going to take no for an answer little tigress."
Huffing, Hanna slumped her shoulders as she reached out, letting the rough pads of her fingertips dance across my rough palm before curling those slender, deft fingers of hers around my hand. I could feel her callouses before the softness of her palm pressed against mine as she fully grasped my closing hand.
Stiffly, I tensed my body when I felt her pull herself up and out of the car, letting her use me to steady herself once she was on her feet.
Shutting the car door with my free hand, I quickly reached into my pocket afterward to lock it. Then I let Hanna take the lead up to her place because I sure as hell didn't know where I would be going. Also, with me trailing behind her, at least I could cover her back or pull her back at the first sign of danger.
The dingy place didn't settle my nerves one bit as we made our way up the stairs, which creaked beneath our weight with each step. I could feel the slight give under my feet, and the disgusting, damp smell of mold assaulted my nose. I was surprised the thing didn't collapse and send me into a pile of rotting wood.
I knew not everyone could afford decent living, but seeing Hanna living in a place like this made my stomach churn. Just one look around, and I couldn't help but wonder if the damn locks on these crooked doors even remotely worked. Then, the thought of someone easily breaking into Hanna's place in the middle of the night made my body heat up to where I could hear my heart pounding in my ears.
"Alright, I'm here, safe and sound, and in one piece." Hanna's crisp and honeyed voice cut through my budding anger.
My attention instantly zoned in on her as the buzzing in my ear dissipated. "Not until I see you go inside." I wouldn't be surprised if she got jumped the moment I turn away in this creepy place.