Page 24 of The Bratva's Beast
There's no Beauty to this Beast.
Chapter 13
Once again, I encountered Hanna where I least expected it.
Unable to help myself, I let my careful eyes roam her body head to toe, taking in her strong and petite body clad entirely in black tactical gear. I didn't think anyone could make tactical gear look good, let alone sexy. I thought seeing her in the tiny black dress from before would be the cusp of it, yet she stood here so powerful and proud. I couldn't help the feeling of excitement from rushing down my body to my nether regions, making my member twitch to life.
Thank god for these thick tactical pants of mine. Otherwise, I'd be standing here awkwardly with a very obvious lump. Well, and thankfully, I happened to have my rifle positioned right across my body, so it helped hide my erection, too.
Hanna's thick, black hair was pulled back in a tantalizing ponytail. The sight of it and the sway of her hips as she approached us made me want to reach out and grab her by it. My fingers curled temptingly as I fought the urge to thread them through her black hair.
"Wait, you're that Hanna? Angel's best friend Hanna?" At least Lev saved me the embarrassment of not realizing it sooner.
Grinning and giggling, she stopped before us with her arms crossed loosely around herself. "The one and only, so don't you forget me." Glad to see Hanna was just as confident and boisterous outside of work.
"Damn, small world, I mean, what are the chances." Lev chuckled, reaching out and patting Hanna on the shoulder, only to quickly retreat his hand when he caught me glaring at him from the corner of my eyes.
"Why didn't you tell us you were Angel's friend?" Surely, she knew of us from Angel at the very least, so why keep that matter a secret?
"I didn't want it to possibly affect your guy's view of me. But don't take any offense to any of it, I just almost never mention my affiliation and relationship to Angel to keep the separation between me and the triad from people so I can live my life in peace somewhat. I mean, I have a bit of a reputation too, and not many people are keen on hiring someone known as The Beast in the streets." At least she had valid points.
Usually, I wouldn't let an applicant's affiliations affect my decision in their hire, but I would have in Hanna's case if I knew because anyone who worked with Angel had to be top-tier and solid. She would have been instantly hired on the spot if I knew based on what I knew about my sister-in-law.
"Fair, I won't fault you for any of it." I really couldn't, not when I would have done the same thing in her shoes.
It was honorable how she wanted to make her own name for herself, and I couldn't help but feel a little proud with a soft smile that I hid behind my hand after brushing it across my jaw.
"Well, seems like everyone is here, and I'm assuming you all heard the update from Bao or Greg at this point, but I'm in charge tonight bitches. So, you all better listen closely because I don't want to repeat myself." The atmosphere instantly weighed down gravely when Hanna's voice shifted from playful to stern.
"Simple assignment tonight. The police just need us to make a mess, take out some of the enemy's manpower, and make their case easy for them. I'll split everyone up into four teams, three ground teams and one sniper team who will take place in the guard towers. The ground team will enter and fan out to cover the perimeter and advance forward in a pincer movement to force the enemies to the docks. Snipers will be in charge of being our eyes and picking off stragglers. Any questions or problems so far?"
Yes, a very big, hard problem.
My clenched jaw remained hidden behind my hand which should just be glued to the lower half of my face at this point.
I could always appreciate a powerful woman or a woman in charge, but something about Hanna specifically made my body burn. Seeing her take charge aroused me so much.
It was funny, though, because I always liked to be the one in charge, and never have I ever been turned on by a woman displaying authority over anyone or anything, let alone over me. Yet, the brief thought of Hanna taking control over me made sparks of excitement bite at my body.
When no one made any indication of speaking up, Hanna continued. "Angel wants us to keep damage and causalities to a minimum, so out of respect for her let's keep that in mind. On the other hand, we all know what's best in the moment, and I rather have the enemy's body drop than one of ours."
The next few minutes were filled with Hanna flushing out the rest of the plan, splitting our group of sixteen into teams, and directing us to our positions on the map that Bao had brought.
Once everyone agreed with each other, we all busied ourselves around the vehicles to arm and stock ourselves properly.
Lev and I took less time than the others because we had already come mostly prepped, so the two of us checked our equipment while the others got ready.
Unfortunately, my rifle didn't distract me for long. I was quick to approach Hanna to lend a hand after pushing my rifle—which was slung across my body by a strap—behind me after seeing Hanna struggle a little with the straps of her body holster. As cute and amusing as it was, I could see her frustration grow with her tense and scrunching face.
"Hanna." I gave her huffing, pouty face a knowing look as I stood before her. "Arms up." I commanded sternly with a small upward lifting gesture of my hand.
Pursing her lips, she glared at me softly with defeat as she raised her arms above her head. "Thanks…" She muttered as I fixed her straps accordingly.
The innocent idea remained good until I invaded her personal bubble and touched her. If there was a wall behind us, then I would have shoved her against it, grabbed those tiny wrists of hers into one hand, and kept them pinned above her head against the wall while my other hand would have made quick work of her clothes.
I was so tempted to slide my hands down to her waist and grip her hips to pull her flush against me when I laid my hands on her curvy waist. The other tempting option would have been to go north and cup a feel of her delicate breasts. They weren't big by any means, maybe a good handful from a quick look, but not like I would complain as long as they were hers. Though on the smaller side, the straps of her holster framed them perfectly to where they popped slightly.