Page 43 of The Bratva's Beast
Fuck. I can't deny her when she sounded so desperate, even if she wasn't fully aware of it. "Such a naughty girl." I growled into her ear as I slid two fingers into her tight pussy. "Fuck you're so tight."
Whatever control I had—if I even had any, to begin with—was ice-thin as I thrust my fingers in and out of her. I wanted it to last, but my urges got the best of me. My palm pressed and rubbed against her swollen clit as my fingers pumped in and out of her at a fast pace because I wanted to hear more and more of her melodic moans. "That's it, come for me, little tigress." Her soft face twisted with pleasure and bliss as her moans picked up with her squirming body and tightening walls.
"Stepan." Fuck, hearing her moan my name at the height of her pleasure was nearly enough to make me come in my pants.
Her body slowly relaxed as I helped her ride out her orgasm. She gave out a small whimper of protest when I slowed my fingers to a stop, pulled out of her completely, and fixed her thong back into place before pulling my hand out completely.
The urge to rip her shorts off and bury my face between her legs skyrocketed the moment her addictive taste hit my tongue when I brought my fingers up to my mouth to suck and lick them clean. I could do it and get away with it, but then I'd never leave.
"That's so hot." Hanna's dazed voice matched her melted brown eyes as she smiled at me with a wide smile filled with happiness and bliss. "Thank you, Daddy."
Fucking hell, this woman's going to be the death of me.
I let out an internal groan as I wrapped my arms around her again to hold her close and tight. I wanted to enjoy this side of her more before torturing myself by leaving her side for the night.
I loved Hanna for who she was, all her spunk, confidence, bite, all of it. I didn't care about having a mouthy woman or not, or at least I didn't care when it came to Hanna; I found her fire amusing and wanted.
However, I wished Hanna would let her softer side come out sometimes. I've only ever gotten bits and pieces of it when she'd show her gratitude with a smile whenever I'd drop her food off or take her out for lunch. I wished she'd let this hidden side of her out, make herself vulnerable to me so I could show and prove to her that I could protect and guard her and her secrets with my life.
Leaning down, I kissed the top of her head while wiping her stray tears away. "I am always here little tigress, always and forever. I am not going anywhere. I am going to wait for you, even if it means forever. Whenever you are ready, malen'kaya tigritsa, I will be here." Hanna is it for me.
I meant every single word. I will wait for her, even if it means forever.
I wanted no one else.
Only Hanna.
Chapter 24
Fucking Stepan.
I should be enjoying sex with Logan, not like he was a bad lay, but no, I couldn't. I couldn't enjoy my time in bed with my boy toy because all I could think about was Stepan—fucking Stepan.
Logan's hands may be the ones running down my body, but all I could imagine were Stepan's hands and how they'd feel in place of Logan's. I wanted the fire Stepan's touch brought to my body, not this budding warmth from Logan.
I really should heed my friends' advice of cutting Logan off before I lead him on too much, especially since I really have no intentions of getting too deep or far with him. For some reason, though, I sensed he knew of my reservations about our relationship.
The two of us seemed complacent with what we've got going on, this casual relationship of sorts. We both enjoyed our time together; we made each other happy and all, and sex was good—not great but good—and all together, it seemed like a good relationship. But that was it; it was good, not great. If I really thought about it, we felt more or less like friends with benefits.
Of course, I was in a state of denial. Logan's a great guy, a little self-absorbed, but overall great. Was he up to par with Stepan? No, not even close, but I refused to admit it because I tried to make this relationship work for my stubborn sake.
As long as Dream Stepan keeps up his nightly visits, I'd be okay with sticking it out with Logan. In hindsight, that's probably fucked up on some level, but not like I was cheating on Logan because dream Stepan was just that, a dream, a figment of my unconscious imagination. I couldn't control my dreams.
Although, I wished I could have some kind of control over them. Recently, they've become very vivid, as in I feel like Stepan is physically there next to me in my bed, holding me tenderly while his low voice whispers sweet words into my eager ear. Even when I reach out to touch his handsome face, to trace my finger along his sharp features while losing myself in his illustrious blue eyes.
It all felt so real.
He felt so real.
But he wasn't. There's no way any of it could be beyond a figment of my overactive imagination—Stepan's only a hallucination, probably a side effect from my medication. I should get my meds changed, though, if the side effects got that bad, but a huge part of me didn't want to.
My meds before did an okay job with helping my sleep and anxiety and keeping my nightmares at bay—mostly. I still suffered the full brunt of the nightmares about my past more often than not. Ever since Dream Stepan made his appearance, they've been almost nonexistent. The nightmares would start and go away the moment I felt his presence and embrace.
Disappointedly, I found myself waking up to an empty bed every morning. The only part of my hallucination that remained were the remnants of his cozy and soothing scent of spices.
My mind toyed with the idea of him actually being there next to me in my bed, but I quickly shook the idea out of my head with a ridiculous laugh because it was beyond absurd. No way could such a thing be possible. I'd notice any signs of a break-in if Stepan were crazy enough to pull something like breaking and entering my place while I slept.