Page 88 of The Bratva's Beast
"Don't underestimate the strength of a woman. Then again, that's how I get people because they never see me coming. I'm the last they ever expect when they hear about this 'rageful beast of a person with sharp teeth and claws with a deformed face' and a bunch of other shit. I mean, my face is fucked up, but that's about it." Tightening my grip on him, I jerked him towards me and got right up in his face with a wicked smile the devil would be proud of.
"I'll give you a chance to fight for your freedom." As if he stood a chance in the first place, but he didn't need to know that.
Pulling my arm back, I swung a punch across his face, knocking him to the ground. "Get up." I scoffed as I stood up straight with my hands clenched into fists by my side.
Scowling, I gave a hard kick to his stomach with a grunt before grabbing the back of his shirt to help haul him up. "I said up." I growled, waiting for him to stumble up to his feet and assume a wary fighting stance.
Taunting him with a smirk and wave of my hands, I held my arms wide open. "Come on, I'll even give you a free swing."
He was reluctant, but he went for it. He closed the small distance between us with a long stride and swung his arm. I quickly deflected by side-stepping and grabbing his wrist to redirect his forward motion, and his body fell forward with the momentum, landing his face right into my fist with a sickening crack and scream of pain. Then, shoving him upright, I ran an uppercut to his chin, causing him to stumble back a bit. Relentlessly, I went at him, throwing a flurry of punches to his abdomen with interruptions of right hooks.
I didn't give him a chance to fight back.
Teeth scattered around the floor with the occasional blow to the face, and blood painted the cement flooring with lovely red splatters. "Really should have thought twice about taking that fucking assignment. I'm almost tempted to let you live and recover so I can hunt you down and shoot you when you least expect it."
Saying it out loud made it really tempting. Imagining the fear and panic in his face as he'd run and hide, oh I'd get such a rush from that. Then the pumping adrenaline from the hunt itself, oh I'd be so fucking giddy like a kid on Christmas.
"What do you think? It is your life, so it's only fair you pick how it ends." I grinned like a madwoman down at him after I laid his ass out and stepped a foot on his chest.
After a few sputtered and gargled replies, I figured him to be a goner. Oh well, at least I still had the other one to play with. His chances of survival without any immediate medical attention—which he won't get—were practically zilch. Pretty sure if he were cut open right now, then blood would spill out instantly because of the internal bleeding. If he was somehow saved, he'd probably be a vegetable because of how much damage I caused to his head—pretty sure he had a different head shape than when we started.
One final kick to the downed man's face, and I was done with him. Leaving him there to his own demise, I turned my attention to the man held by Lev. "You know," I said, stalking up to him, "If wasn't so fond of the idea of a hunt, I'd just use you as a human pinata. So, luck you, you get to live another day or two, or until I decide to let you out to chase."
"Lick my hand one more time and I'll cut your tongue out." Lev threatened the man who struggled against him.
"Let go of his mouth, I want to hear his pathetic excuses and pleas." Maybe he'll give me a good reason to remove his tongue.
The moment Lev removed his hand, the man spat in my face when I stopped a foot away from him. "Fuck off, I'm not going to play in your stupid fucked up games you psychotic bitch! I don't know why she even wanted you back so bad! You're fucking nuts! Any idiot who chooses to be with you is either stupid or equally fucked up! Your stupid aunt is just as crazy, fucking lied to us, saying the stupid Russian was keeping you against your will after kidnapping you to be his little bitch and babymaker. He already collared you like a dog, so how the hell were we supposed to know Lilian was making shit up?"
Flattening my face, I wipe the spit off—along with some blood—with the back of my hand before lashing out at him with a brutal backhand across his face. "Oh, how fucking noble of you to think about saving the poor captured princess. Tsk, as if that excuse to shoot Stepan down makes it any better. It's also fucking hilarious to think that you'd do something so noble, as if it'd forgive your horrid sins. Saving one girl doesn't make what you do in Lilian's whore houses go away." I'm not entirely sure about the other man, but I've seen this one around the brothels Lilian ran when I've done surveillance on the places.
His sour scowl meant I had him. "Do whatever the fuck you want, I'm not participating. I won't run if you hunt me like some animal. I won't fight back if you chose to beat me to death like Troy over there. I ain't gonna give you any satisfaction." Cute, he thought he had the game won.
A low, evil chuckle shook my shoulders briefly before they relaxed with a long, satisfied sigh. "Then I guess I'll just call Angel in for some help, surely you know of her reputation. Triad heiress, then the Bratva's Bride, and her oh so infamous Princess of Pain, surely you know how she coined that last title." I couldn't help my smirk from widening at the man's paling face. "If you don't entertain me, then I'll just let her have a go at you and watch with a bucket of popcorn, and trust me when I say you'd rather me than her." I'd rather go through a meatgrinder alive than be subjected to Angel's methods.
Either way, he was royally fucked.
Chapter 45
Henry Gor.
My dead, cold eyes bore holes into the man who trembled before me in his bindings. His erratic eyes kept bouncing between me and the bullet I twirled between my fingers.
"Please, you don't have to do this." Nothing. I felt nothing in response to his pathetic plea.
Lazily, I drifted my eyes to the carefully crafted bullet, holding it still to trace the etched name on the casing. "Funny, I said the same thing back then before you laughed in my face and forced yourself onto me after you dislocated my legs to keep me from kicking you. You're lucky I don't have more patience, otherwise I'd dislocate every possible thing in your body. Fortunately for you, I only have enough time for your arms and legs. But it hurts, doesn't it?" If only I had Angel's penchant for torture.
Without a care in the world, I slowly load the bullet into the rifle—Stepan's favorite go-to rifle, to be exact. He couldn't be here to kill my demons for me, so the least I could do to have a piece of him be involved was to use his trusty weapon along with the specially-made bullets.
As I raised the weapon and took aim, the man gave me a smile of relief, letting his head fall back against the ground. I held my laugh back because he probably thought this would be his easy end. Instead, I let the laugh bubble in my throat while my lips stretched to a freakish smile before pulling the trigger with a gleeful giggle.
The horror and shock on his face when he realized he wasn't dead had me grinning madly as I watched him scream out while holding his abdomen where a fresh bullet hole was made. "If only I had the patience to inflict a fraction of the suffering you placed on me." Pausing, I feigned a half-disappointed sigh, "Shame you won't survive long enough to suffer the burns for the rest of your life."
Ignoring his panicked sputters and pleas, I stepped over his bleeding body and picked up the bullet after locating it. Can't forget my trophy and proof of the deed.
My head lifted to look at Lev, who waited for me at the exit, flicking the lighter cap on and off. "Is everyone relevant cleared of the building? We have the evidence too?" I wanted to double-check before torching the place to the ground.