Page 91 of The Bratva's Beast
"Well shit, make me feel like the asshole for having something short prepared now would you? I wasn't expecting a whole ass speech from you given everything." Hanna chuckled with a soft cry of happiness. "God, I really don't know what came over me to demand this marriage, it just felt so right, it still does. I'm not one to do labels and shit, but I didn't like the thought of you being anything less than my husband if worse comes to worst. I wanted to be yours, your wife, and I wanted you to be my husband. Just saying we're together isn't enough, nor was saying you're my boyfriend because that sounds immature and not so serious. I'm not perfect in any way, shape, or form, but you make me feel perfect, and you treat me like a damn queen. I swear I will do my all to reciprocate all you give me in earnest to show you how much you mean to me, how much I love and appreciate you. Through thick and thin, rich and poor, through sickness and health, and life and death, I'll be by your side through it all, as your wife. I love you so much, Stepan, my Styosha."
"Alright, alright, hurry up and kiss already and sign the papers and make it all official, come on." Greg laughed softly, shoving us together. "And by the power vest in me and the state of California yada yada I pronounce you husband and wife, Mister and Missus Volkov."
Grinning, I tightened my hold on Hanna's face and pulled her into a lip-smashing kiss.
"Mrs. Volkov." I murmured against her lips.
The reception went off without a hitch, as in no one got into a drunken brawl or broke anything. I wasn't worried, though; my brothers knew how to hold their liquor, and our men knew better than to get blacked out drunk or do anything stupid.
Unlike Hanna, I kept my alcohol intake to the bare minimum to keep a clear mind; Alexei and Angel were also on my ass about drinking too much, given the fact I'd recently woke from a coma and was still in recovery technically.
I was mindful not to let Hanna drink too much once it got later into the evening; I didn't want to bed my wife for the first time with her in a drunken state. Hanna wasn't too happy about being cut off, but after some whispered promises of what was to come, she was more than willing to comply.
Once it got pretty late, Hanna and I bid farewell to everyone and left them to enjoy the after-party while we retired to our bedroom. "Stay." I commanded after walking her to the foot of the bed and sitting her down on the edge.
Leaving Hanna's side for a moment, I went to the dresser and pulled out a small, long, rectangular box from the top drawer. A small smile graced my face at the sight of Hanna's eyes lighting up when I stood before her and opened the box to reveal a black, leather O-ring collar with a center row of purple diamonds that started and ended at the platinum plate which had my name in Cyrillic engraved on it.
Lifting the collar out of the box, I carefully set it next to Hanna on the bed before lifting the bottom of the box to reveal a thick, black leather bracelet with three spaced-out O-rings and a platinum plate between two of the rings that had Hanna's name in both English and Cyrillic engraved on it.
"Stepan." Hanna looked up at me in wonder and awe as she took the bracelet carefully.
"You might have asked me to marry you, or more or less demanded it, but I'm asking you the more important question." Holding her awestruck face in my hands, I stroked her cheeks with my thumb. "Will you let me collar you?"
Her tears had never worried me before, but when she burst out in a sob from my question, I couldn't help but feel my anxiety hike to new heights. It didn't help my nerves with how long she took to answer.
"Yes, a thousand times, no a million, billion, gazillion, infinite times yes." She sounded as if I asked her to be the ruler of the universe with how gleeful her voice was. "Oh God, did you think I was gonna say no? You look like you're about to pass out." Her face dropped with concern.
"Not gonna lie, yes, I did for a sec when you took a while to answer and just cried." I chuckled nervously, letting out the shaky breath I held in my aching chest.
"Oh, Styosha, no, those were happy tears, I couldn't believe it for a second and then it just hit me." She sniffled with a smile, placing her hands over mine and stroking the back of them with her thumbs.
Smiling uncontrollably, I leaned down and kissed her wholeheartedly with a deep groaning growl, stealing her breath away fully with my own before pulling away and kneeling before her. Looking up at her with a softened face, I quickly slip her flats off—because she refused to wear heels, even to her own wedding—and ran my hands up her legs to her back, where my fingers searched for the zipper of her dress and undid it in one smooth motion. "Stand up." I commanded, scooting back a few inches to give her room to rise to her feet.
Once she was up, the strapless dress naturally fell from her heavenly body to the floor. "Hold onto my shoulders so you don't fall." Reaching out, I bunched the sides of her panties in my hands and slowly pulled them down and off before getting back up on my feet.
Standing before her, I reach out and tuck her hair behind her ear. "Kneel." The way her eyes melted with lust and bliss made me shiver involuntarily as she slowly got down to her knees before me, bowing her head and keeping her hands in her lap.
After savoring the picturesque moment for a few seconds, I reached over to the bed, carefully picked up the collar, and held it before her. "If you chose to accept my collar then you vow to be mine and only mine even beyond death. In return, I vow to always treat you right and do right by you, to love and cherish you as my little brat until the end of time, to provide you a safe space where you can be free, to punish and discipline you when necessary, and to give you all of me in return."
Her cheeks rose with her smile as she kept her head down. "I accept your collar, Daddy." There was no hesitation or reluctance, which brought warmth to my heart. "I vow to cherish your mark on me for now and ever, and to never take it for granted. I wholeheartedly accept all that you are willing to give me. I will always do right by you, and I give you all of me to use and do as you please. You have my mind, heart, body, soul, and submission. Everything. I am yours, only yours."
No going back now.
I thought I felt the height of my pounding heart during our wedding ceremony, but somehow, it raced harder against my chest now as I wrapped the leather around Hanna's succulent neck and latched it.
The wave of possessiveness stirred within me like never before. Seeing her with my collar around her neck uncaged a different being in me. All her collars before held no value now in light of this custom one I made for her.
Fuck, she was all mine now. Fucking, mine.
Gritting my teeth with a low growl, I reeled myself back in because we weren't done quite yet. Grabbing the bracelet from the bed, I knelt before her, curled a finger under her chin to lift her face for a chaste kiss, and gave her the bracelet before holding my wrists out to her. "I vow to belong to you and only you, that bracelet will serve as your collar and mark on me, and will hold the same equivalent to my mark around your neck. I am yours as you are mine. Mind, body, soul, and submission."
With a tearful—happy tearful—smile, Hanna wrapped the bracelet around my wrist and latched it shut. "I accept, and I vow to never take this for granted either. I will always treat you right and respectfully in our moments, to cherish, love, and support you wholeheartedly until the end of time."
Locking my soul to hers fully uncaged the beast I'd been holding back. Hooking a finger into the ring of her collar, I pulled her into a hard kiss, keeping our lips locked as I dragged us up to our feet before backing her onto the bed. Upon feeling the bed hit my knees, I broke the kiss to shove her down and pin her by her neck. "So fucking beautiful. God, you're all mine, my little tigress, my lovely wife." Leaning down, I settle my arm above her head. "My little brat."
Hanna's tongue swept across her plush bottom lip before taking it between her lips in a muffled groan. "I love you so much, Stepan. Make love to me, please. Make love to me then fuck me like your whore."