Page 75 of Zero Sum Love
I press my mouth over her swollen clit, loving the way her thighs squeeze around my ears. My head delves deeper, lips open to kiss and fondle her folds. She’s so wet and willing. My tongue is going to town, licking like she’s the most delicious ice cream flavor in the world. Ana’s arousal is ocean sweetness and fluid fire. I press my hard cock against the bed, needing to appease the throbbing need to sink into her body.
But first, I need to eat her orgasm for breakfast. Lining up two fingers at her opening, I suck on her clit. She takes a sharp inhale that she holds, her back stiffening. At that moment, I plunge my fingers in and curl up, rubbing against the front walls. Ana screams my name while her channel pulses around my fingers and a surge of thick heat floods my tongue. Incredible. She’s fucking incredible.
Her fingers, which had been grabbing my hair while she climaxed, caress my head. With my cock lined up to her entrance, I grab her wrists to pin them over her head. Held down and wiggling playfully so her gorgeous breasts bounce, Ana is the erotic image I hardly have the imagination to dream. Despite the endless fantasies I’ve had for years, nothing compares to how she is in reality.
I slam in and we both groan. She hooks her legs higher, opening up to my grinding plunges. The restraint I had snaps, her grip around my cock prompting me to go deeper. Harder. Faster.
“Oh my god, Bryce, yes, yes,” she meowls.
“I want to wake up like this every single day, Ana,” I say, sounding intoxicated. I’m drunk on her body. How it tastes and feels and smells when we make love.
“Just like this, the taste of your pussy still on my tongue while my cock is buried deep. Every fucking day, this is how we wake up. Together. Promise me, Ana.” I’m pounding into her while this nonsense comes out of my mouth.
“Yes, I promise, yes, every day,” she mutters deliriously. Her head bobs, partly from nodding and partly because I’m at a pace and force that’s shaking the entire bed.
“I’m… I’m…” Her body finishes the sentence as Ana climaxes. Her orgasm is a grip that pulls the heat from deep inside me. The blissful tightness of my body releases powerful pulses, the friction between us igniting an inferno. Pulsing heat and extraordinary pleasure go on and on and on.
Spent, we collapse in a tangle of limbs. I pull her over me, positioned to be her bed. Dark hair cascades over my chest. Heaven. This is heaven. I don’t want the morning to end.
Especially when another day of uncertainty and frustration awaits.
Lysander is still missing, his assistant covering for him at the state house, although she doesn’t know where he is either. We’re now also tracking his parents and sister who live in Arlington.
I did a thorough but discreet sweep of Lysander’s townhouse. Was it legal? No. Which is why I did it myself instead of sending one of my agents. There has to be something. Every minute that the threat to Ana remains unsolved is one minute too long.
“Is there such a thing as too relaxed?” she asks, sighing against my chest before she pushes off.
“You’ll be great today,” I encourage her, “even if you’re too relaxed. You’re leading them to a better future no matter what state you’re in.”
“How do you always say the right thing to boost my spirits?”
“Relaxation and spirit lifting; I’m practically a spa.”
“Can’t wait to get out of town for a while,” she says, slipping out of the bed to prepare for her day.
We’re heading to Columbus for the twins’ birthday party. It will be our first time seeing the family since Ana and I have reconciled. Although “reconcile” is a glaringly insufficient word for what is the most important fact of my existence: she’s in my life for good.
Bryce’s palm on my lower back helps to calm my nervousness. We’re approaching the entrance to a single-floor sprawl of concrete.
“We’re clear, boss,” Kina says, exiting a door over which the large sign reads Air Heads Party Central. Sergei and Maeve rented the entire trampoline park for the twins and their second-grade class.
In typical overkill, Bryce has sent his agents to scope the area and do background checks on the families attending. He claims to do it for Sergei and Maeve, but it’s mostly to appease his rampant paranoia about me. No need. Whatever weird threats or inexplicable stalking happening have to do with my presence in Norfolk, not here.
I’m nervous about something else. Every step brings us closer to the party. I’m realizing the error of surprising his family. We should have warned them about our, well, relationship.
What else can I call it when he tells me he wants to wake up with me every day? When he brings me lunches and holds my hand and makes me feel like the only woman in the room? If this isn’t a relationship then I’m more clueless than ever.
Not that I ever claimed to be an expert. Despite the occasional date and a couple of flings, there’s never been opportunity or interest for more. Work takes over my days, and fatigue wipes me out at night. If someone goes out of their way to ask me out and I’m interested, I’ll give it a shot. But only if it fits my schedule. Bonus points if I’m expected to bring a date for a work function.
Lysander, for instance, had been everywhere the first few weeks after I moved to Norfolk. At a dinner party one weekend, and then at a manufacturing convention the next. He asked me to be his date for one of those endless galas that I’m invited to during the winter holidays. Things progressed from there.
But a few months of dating came to nothing. How could it, when I would rather be in the testing facilities measuring propulsion and navigation functions rather than answer his calls. If there was anything unusual about the breakup, I didn’t notice. The short-lived and relatively convenient fling ended amicably.
Can I imagine ending things amicably with Bryce? No. Because I can’t imagine ending this at all. Although the physical intimacy between us is new, the heightened sense of each other has always been there. I’m not sure when it started and can’t imagine an end.
Part of me has always craved Bryce’s attention. Now that I have him, I feel, I don’t know, grounded. But also flying and giddy. Like an Air Head. This trampoline park is the perfect setting for my state of mind.
The palm on my back rubs up and down when I slow my approach, children laughing and screaming just beyond the threshold.