Page 33 of Unbound
“Hey, at least I didn’t use tongues when I snogged the cat.” I placed Houdini on the floor where he proceeded to stalk the long-suffering Sceolan, and put the handful of letters on the table before pulling Lilith into my arms. I planted one hand on the buttock so recently vacated by the kitten.
“Ouch,” she winced. “Claw-punctures.”
“Aw, he was just giving you a catapuncture session for your bad shoulder; people pay a fortune for that kind of treatment in the big city, you know.Want me to kiss it better?” I offered, and was rewarded with a far longer and deeper kiss in reply.
“Well I’m due a break round about now,” Lilith said into my neck, “and it’s probably best to get these kinds of injuries checked out straight away, especially where blood has been drawn.” Her left hand slid under my t-shirt as she spoke, and she drew a circle around my nipple with a deft index finger whilst her right hand cupped my readily-stiffening cock through my jeans.
“Dear Lord, are you ever not up for it, woman?” I asked, and nipped at her earlobe to prove that I wasn’t really complaining.
‘Hm.” Lilith frowned as she considered my question. “Well sometimes I’m asleep. Does that count?”
I went to clear the table top so I could lift her onto it, and as I did so I glanced at one of the letters I’d been holding when I ran up the stairs. All thoughts of any kind of recreational activity withered and died. “Ah balls, I recognise that handwriting,” I said. “It’s from Niamh.”
I’d last spoken to the elder of my two sisters the night before I’d left for Albermarle, when I’d handed over a cheque for ten thousand Euros and promised that I’d see her in a few months. That had been over four years ago.
I knew I’d have to get in touch with both sisters eventually, but to date I’d never got past Hi, it’s your long-lost brother Finn. I was going to contact you once I’d stopped being a Junkie Sex Slave, honest, but then I went mental and that knocked my plans back a bit. Anyway, how have things been?
Lilith slid her hand from inside my t-shirt but she kept her arms around me and I was grateful for the continued contact. “You okay?” She asked.
“Yes,” was my automatic reply, but in my mind’s eye I saw Luis shaking his head at me in disappointment. I sighed. “Actually, No. No I’m not. Does that make me some kinda dickhead?”
“Of course it doesn’t, you great daft sod,” Lilith retorted. “Right. What do you want to do now?”
I shrugged. “Um, I dunno… Open it, I reckon? And right now, before I bottle it. I know you’re busy and everything, but would you just stick around whilst I read it?”
I reckoned I definitely did sound like some kinda dickhead, but Lilith just picked up Houdini from where he’d cornered Sceolan and was now deftly boxing my bemused little dog’s muzzle. “Sure,” she said and gave me an encouraging smile. “Come on. We’ll return the absconder and head downstairs.”
I sat on the sofa with the letter weighing heavy in my hands. Lilith had curled into my left side and Sceolan was on my lap. I was as safe as I was ever going to be.
I took a deep breath and opened the envelope.
My darling big brother Tack –
I hope this letter finds you well. I’m so sorry to contact you like this, and I know that you must need time and privacy to recover – I promise I was going to wait until you got in touch with me when you were ready.
What I’ve got to tell you isn’t too good, but I hope you’ll understand that I had to let you know so that you could make your own decision. I’m honestly not trying to force you into doing anything.
So basically it’s this: Mam hasn’t been well for the last couple of years. Me and Sinéad moved out to our own place in Finglas not long after you left, which was honestly the best thing that ever happened to us, but we kept in touch with Mam because she never seemed so good at looking after herself – her drinking just kept on getting worse, no matter what we did.
Anyway, two months ago we found out she’s got liver cancer. It’s really aggressive and it looks like it’s spread to her brain already. Her specialist reckons she won’t get through to Christmas. She’s been moved to a church hospice and they’ve been really lovely with her, even though her behaviour hasn’t exactly been the best if you know what I mean.
I can imagine that you probably don’t ever want to come here again but at the same time it didn’t seem fair to not give you the choice about seeing her. And if I’m really honest with you it would be so lovely to see you again, because there’s so much to tell you and you’ve always been my favourite brother, even if you’re the only one I’ve got.
Much love,
Your sister Niamh xxxxxxxxx
PS I’ve enclosed my mobile number and email if you want to get in touch, but I CAN’T TELL YOU ENOUGH that you’ve got to do what’s right for you.
PPS Whatever you decide I will always, always love you.
“Ah fuck and buggery,” I said. I placed the letter face down on the coffee table top and put my head in my hands as Lilith ran her fingers across my tensed shoulders. “It wasn’t meant to happen like this.”
“I know.” She gave me a chaste kiss on my cheek. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Ach, it’s not about Mam, really. She’s been dead to me for the last twenty five years to be honest. But ah God, the thought of Niamh and Sinéad goin’ through all that without me, and just thinkin’ that I didn’t care…”