Page 36 of Unbound
“And we’re delighted you chose the Rossmont for your stay, Ms Bresson,” Khadija said and summoned a young lad in black and gold livery to begin piling our cases onto a trolley.
“It was a no-brainer. I hope you still do the ‘Boiling Oil From The Balcony’ special on lurking paps?” Lilith asked.
“Of course,” Khadija replied. “Chef has assured me that there’ll be a cauldron gently simmering for the duration of your stay.”
Khadija herself took us to our rooms and as she and Lilith chatted away to each other in rapid-fire French I was more than happy to melt into the background and observe. For about the thousandth time that day I thanked God, Jesus and the entire extended Holy Family for Lilith’s presence; apart from the fact that I loved the very bones of the woman, she dealt with situations like this with an insouciant upper-class confidence that made everything appear so bloody easy. She strode with the expectation that doors – both literal and metaphorical – would be opened for her and that people would ask ‘How can I help you?’ in a way that suggested they were desperate to assist rather than meaning ‘Are you goin’ to lurk round my shop like a beggar all day sunshine, or are you actually goin’ to buy something ye wee shite?’
When I’d very first met her I’d struggled to see how she was any different to Blaine, but it was Lili herself who’d put me right one morning back in Albermarle, when I’d deliberately put her on the back of a horse that could have killed her. Her exact words were lost to me on the basis I’d been fair hammering the breakfast vodka at the time, but I’d never forgotten the message: Don’t judge me for the accident of my birth, and I won’t judge you for mine.
And that was the very magic of her, because Lilith Bresson actually judged the hell out of everyone she met, but that judgement was based on their merit as a human being rather than their place in the social hierarchy. Whereas Blaine Albermarle had just judged the fuck out of everyone and everything and found most people – especially Irish junkie-whores – particularly wanting and deserving of the most creative punishment she could come up with at the time.
“Well, if everything’s to your satisfaction I’ll leave you both to get settled in.” Khadija switched effortlessly back to English and gave us both a broad smile as she opened the door to our suite. I noted that appeared that an aircraft hangar had been converted into luxury accommodation. “If there’s anything at all we’ve forgotten, just call reception.”
“Thank you. I’m sure everything will be wonderful,” Lilith said, and finally we were alone after a long day on the road.
“She seemed… nice,” I offered, aiming for something suitably neutral.
“Khadija? She’s fabulous. She’d just arrived from Senegal when I stayed here a few years ago, and she was already a trainee manager then; I can see her running the whole chain within the next five years. Although I had actually forgotten just how stunning she is.”
“Ah. Really? I hadn’t noticed myself,” I said, busying myself with finding the cigarette lighter in my suitcase.
“Yeah, sure.” Lilith kicked off her trainers before flinging herself across the massive bed, a wicked grin on her face. She must have seen the flicker of guilt that I felt, because her expression suddenly softened. “Hey, it’s alright, you know? You’re allowed to find other people attractive. Last time I was here I could have made a pass at her myself but then I found out she had a fiancé and I do have a vestigial moral code that I keep hidden for emergencies, believe it or not.”
I closed my case and lay down next to her, and she snuggled up to me with a little sigh of satisfaction. I moved my arm so she could get even closer and I kissed the top of her head and laughed. “Jesus, it really doesn’t bother you at all, does it?”
“What doesn’t?”
“Any of it. Who you find attractive, what gender they are, who I find attractive – you just kinda crack on with it.”
“And you’ve just noticed this?”
“Well nah, obviously – it’s just odd moments like this where I get a little reminder, that’s all. It’s kinda... nice, y’know?”
“That’s good then.” Lili wrapped one leg over mine. “I can’t remember the last time anyone used ‘nice’ as an adjective when they were discussing me.”
“Well you are nice. I just promise to keep it a secret, okay?”
“M’kay,” she yawned. “Good God I’m knackered – feels like we’ve done something transatlantic, instead of just popping north. Must be the cold.”
“Ah yeah, that’ll be the joys of your Dublin winter. You’ll be covered in moss by the end of the week.” I reached across the bed and pulled the heavy feather duvet over her. “Look, why don’t you grab a nap for an hour while you warm up? I mean, it’s not like we’ve got anything to rush around for today and all I’m gonna do is have a brew and a quick smoke on the balcony. Oh, and then I’ve got to video-call Sceolan.”
“Mm. Sounds like a good plan.” Lili shut her eyes and used her heel to pull my legs into a suitably comfortable position for herself. “But don’t move just yet, okay? You make the most delightful hot water bottle.”
When I awoke two hours later the sun had long set and I was still coiled around Finn. “You haven’t moved this whole time, have you?” I said. “For heaven’s sake you should have just shoved me off you.”
“Ach, but you looked so content. It was worth a dead arm and a bit of drool on my shoulder just to watch you sleep.”
“Excuse me, but I do not drool!”
Finn examined his shirt. “Oops, my mistake. My arm must have leaked.”
I made a half-hearted attempt to thump him in the arm. “Fucker.”
We stayed entwined in the semi-darkness in contented silence, listening to the distant roar and hum of city traffic, whilst I waited for Finn to tell me the thing he’d just spent two hours considering.