Page 53 of Unbound
“Oh, I will,” I said, as the car pulled away. “Especially if you know a decent hit man.”
After an emergency meeting to convince an absolutely devastated Khadija that we neither blamed The Rossmont for the security breach nor wanted to change hotels, we were more than ready to claim sanctuary in our room.
I lay entirely naked with my head on Finn’s bare chest, my left leg thrown over his thighs.
“Y’know, it might not have been Sinéad,” Finn said, with neither enthusiasm nor conviction. As he spoke he teased my nipple into a hard nub.
“Yup. And I’m about to join a fundamentalist Christian commune in central Texas,” I retorted. “Feargal even mentioned that she knew what we had planned for the night… Oh God that’s lovely - don’t stop.” I ran my finger along the length of his cock before adding, “And she has no bloody idea what she’s just unleashed, for whatever trifling amount she got for the tip-off. Those fuckers are going to be outside our door for the remainder of our stay, you know that? Now every move we make in this fucking city, they’ll be there. And what’s worse is that they’re going to light up our position like some giant, stinking flare.”
Finn’s hand wandered down until it was cupping my arse. “The letters are going to start again, aren’t they?”
“Hmm, probably, if we stick around.” I planted a kiss into the side of his neck. “And the press are going to set up camp outside until the moment we leave. I only hope that’s the worst of it, but I highly doubt that.”
“Is this your weird psychic shit?”
“Subliminal evidence-based-reasoning shit,” I corrected. “Nothing I can pull together in a coherent manner right now; just a gut feeling, basically. But it suddenly feels like we’re in enemy territory.”
Finn winced. “Ah, buggery. So what do we do now?”
“Well in the morning I’ll get in touch with the Gardaí and see if they can offer any support, and we take a serious look at returning to Santa Marita a little earlier than planned. As in tomorrow, if I can arrange it. But right now?” I pushed myself up on my elbows, rolled on top of Finn and gave him my very finest devilish smile. “Right now, oh love of my life, we shut the world out and do what I’ve wanted to do since we danced together tonight. We fuck like mink.”
“Oh God I can get behind that part of the plan, right this very second you filthy wee mare. C’mere.” Finn pulled me to him and kissed me with a passion that suggested the world might end at any moment. The very second he came up for air I eased myself inch by teasing inch onto his already-hard cock, my wetness letting him slide deep inside me in a moment.
Once I’d let him fill me completely I sat straight up, languorously arched my back and glanced down. His muddied jade eyes were wide with desire and his blond hair was swept back from his perfect face; at that moment I could have come purely by gazing at him.
“Ah just look at you, Lili.” He gently thrust his hips and I moaned with pleasure. “You are the most fucking glorious woman, you know that?” he asked.
“Of course, but it’s always so nice to be reminded,” I said, and softly drew my nails down his bare chest. He gave a satisfyingly unintelligible groan in response. “So tell me what you want me to do…”
Finn wrapped his hands around the back of my neck and pulled me back to him. “Ride me hard,” he murmured into my ear. “And don’t you dare touch yourself - I want to make you come.”
Once more I was reminded of just how much Finn’s new-found assertiveness turned me on. I nodded obediently, happy to seize this rare moment to play a novel submissive role. “As Sir wishes,” I acquiesced.
Then there were no more words. I rode him until my thighs burned, every movement driving him further over the edge. I clenched hard around his cock and buried my face into his neck as he started to lose control. He finally came with a broken howl, grabbing my hair so that I was held tight as he pushed himself deep and hard into me, claiming me as his own with each desperate thrust.
For the longest time we lay together and I let myself relax against his heaving chest.
Finn pushed my damp hair away from my face. “Uh uh. Don’t rest yet. It’s your turn now.” He pulled out of me and flipped me onto my back in one smooth move. “Now show me how beautifully you can come, my love.” He crossed three fingers together and slid them into me, splaying them wide as he did so before deftly slipping in a fourth digit so that I was filled and stretched to my very limit.
He began to slide his hand in and out and used his thumb to rub my clit until I was gasping and writhing under his touch. “God but I adore you, a chuisle,” he gasped, and I cried out into the darkness as my own orgasm finally overwhelmed me and he covered my face with butterfly-soft kisses. “Now sleep, my love - there’s nothing that won’t wait ‘til morning.”
We were still asleep in a contented heap when Finn’s mobile rang. The theme from Star Wars sounded out in the early morning darkness and he leaned across my boneless form to answer the call. “‘Lo?” he mumbled. Then I felt him straighten next to me, and I in that moment I knew who had called, and what the news would be.
“Okay, sweetheart,” he soothed down the line. “Yeah I know. I’m so sorry. We’ll meet you at the hospice - probably about an hour or so? Alright, thanks for letting us know.” He sighed and put his phone down. “You can probably guess that was Niamh. Mam’s gone.”
I pushed my way under his arm and bit my cheek to stop Good escaping from my mouth. “I’m... sorry?” I offered, and he smiled.
“No you’re not my love, and neither am I. Not really. I’m just - I dunno - empty, really. Oh.” He brought a hand to his face and frowned as he wiped away a single tear. “Well fuck knows what that’s for.”
“Ah, that.” I kissed the damp track on his cheek. “In my experience that’s just grief for what can never be. A parent who’s spent their entire career being an utter pile of shit dies, and every tiny, ridiculous hope you’ve ever had that one day they might just change and become a decent human being dies with them. Right now you’re mourning the death of possibility darling, and quite frankly it sucks balls.”
Finn was silent for a moment then pulled me tightly to him. “Ach, it’ll pass, I suppose.”
“Oh yes. Usually in a similar manner to a particularly spiky kidney stone.” I kissed him again. “But yes, it’ll pass.”