Page 78 of Unbound
I was definitely wearing him down now, because Michael’s face instantly contorted with ill-disguised fury. He went to respond, but this time Ciaran got there first. “Shut your fucking whore mouth,” he growled. “I’ve already told you I’m his fuckin’ enforcer, not a fuckin’ ‘skivvy’.”
“Whatever,” I shrugged. “All I’m saying is, I suppose a budget operation like this must call for economy enforcement.”
“What did I just say?” Ciaran growled.
I turned to him. “Oh, I’m so terribly sorry. So what title would you prefer this time, hm? Cut-Price Consigliere? Bargain-Basement Brawn?”
“Ah will ye’s just fuck off you rancid wee dwarf! I’m his second-in-comm-” Ciaran began.
“He is most certainly not my bloody ‘enforcer’, OK?” Michael virtually spat in my face, then glared at Ciaran. “I pay him to do what he’s told, and on a good day he gets it right.”
“I told you so,” I mouthed at Ciaran, and the next thing I knew I was flat on my back on the filthy floor. It seemed that I’d finally succeeded in finding the limits of his tolerance, and his response was a backhand slap that knocked me clean off my feet.
For the first time since this sordid ordeal had begun I tried to shout out. I could take any level of abuse, but watching Lilith get hurt whilst I hung there uselessly was more than I could bear. She silently crumpled to the ground and for a dreadful moment I thought he’d knocked her out. To my relief a few seconds later she rolled herself into a seated position, and the first thing she did was meet my eye. Her lip was split and bleeding, but there was a defiance in her expression that reassured me more than any words could.
Michael furiously rounded on Ciaran. “For fuck’s sake you stupid Paddy bastard, what did I say about not using violence on her?” he yelled.
“That evil wee bitch has been winding me up from the moment I laid eyes on her!” Ciaran protested. “She needs to fuckin’ well learn her place.”
“And you obviously still need to learn that it doesn’t need physical violence to get that message across,” Michael said through gritted teeth, then turned to give me a sickeningly lascivious smile. “Now if Finn here could speak he’d tell you that my mother knew the best way to teach either of these treacherous swines a lesson is to force one to watch the other suffer. Shall I give you a little demonstration?”
Without waiting for a reply Michael unbuttoned my fly and slid his right hand inside my boxers and started reaching and groping, cupping my balls and sliding his hand up and down the shaft of my cock in an obscene mockery of foreplay. All the time he held his face mere inches from mine so there was no escaping his corrupting presence and lust-filled gaze.
He placed a lover’s kiss on my collarbone then withdrew his hand, only to start slowly and deliberately sucking and licking at his index finger. He took great pains to make sure it was sodden and glistening with his saliva then used it to penetrate me, giving an obscene little mewl of pleasure as he did so.
As he continued to probe and explore me I became hard. I was suddenly smothered in a suffocating fog of dredged-up memories and sensations, and I could feel the shame and self-loathing that had been my life for so many years surging back, trying to poison me as I hung helplessly on the metal frame.
“Oh God, there we are,” Michael gasped. “Just feel that beautiful cock. Now that’s more like the good little courtesan that my mother trained; and see how easy it was to get you desperate for a good fucking, even after all this time? This is who you are, Finn. Who you’ll always be.” He moved to one side so that Lilith could better observe his work. “Have you seen him?” he called. “Isn’t he beautiful when he’s turned on? Especially when it’s despite himself, and just tinged ever so slightly with fear.”
I tried to hold onto a memory of Amina, my softly-spoken and endlessly patient counsellor, explaining that an erection under these circumstances was nothing more than a physiological response to stimulus, and nothing at all to do with desire; I’d spent so many hours talking with her, working through the guilt of all those moments of apparent arousal when I’d been at Albermarle, until I could finally admit to myself that I was not to blame. And now this depraved bastard wanted to drag me back, to unravel all the work I’d done.
I couldn’t let that happen, even though I had no clue how to stop it.
“Ah well, as much as I’d love to finish things off, we’re almost out of time here,” Michael said. “Still, the anticipation is all part of the fun, don’t you think? And in a few weeks’ time you’ll be positively begging for gentle treatment like this, purely for the reprieve.”
“Hold up now, I want my reward before we go anywhere,” Ciaran interrupted. “I’ve done enough for you recently without getting anything in return.”
“God, really? Are you still harping on about that?” Michael sneered, and I could swear I saw Ciaran pout like a toddler.
“Well you’ve just played with your pet faggot there, haven’t you? And anyway, you promised. It was part of our deal,” he virtually whined.
“Oh honestly, whatever. Just don’t take too long about it,” Michael said. I had no idea what the ‘promise’ was, but it was unlikely to be anything good.
The answer came when Ciaran shoved Lili onto her back before yanking up her sweatshirt and t-shirt in one rough move. He pawed and grabbed at her bare breasts with his filthy hands, squeezing them so hard that she winced in pain then rubbed his calloused thumbs over her nipples. Finally he leant forward to take her right breast in his mouth and loudly sucked, licked and slobbered over her, before repeating the disgusting assault with the left. Even Michael looked appalled.
Impotent fury raged in my chest as I watched the assault and I only hoped I would live long enough to make him pay. In the meantime, all I could do was try and mirror Lilith’s impressive display of nonchalance as Michael watched me for any kind of reaction. “Alright, that’s enough,” he snapped. The whole foul display probably lasted a minute at most, but it had felt like forever.
Ciaran gave Michael a defiant scowl, but at least he stopped and stepped away from Lilith. She sat up, calmly pulled her top back down, then straight up laughed in the bastard’s face as though what he’d just inflicted on her hadn’t bothered her in the least.
“All that work you’ve done for him, and that’s what you needed to beg for?” she mocked. “All the risks he’s had you take, all that running around like a skivvy, and you were only allowed to second base in return? Bloody hell, you’ve really been bilked, haven’t you, you pathetic little boy?”
I thought he was going to hit her again. He even pulled his arm back ready to land the blow, but Michael was having none of it. “I said enough!” he yelled. “Stop this ridiculous fucking around, and get back over here. It’s time to go.”
He’d obviously hoped to teach her a lesson in the only way the O’Halloran family knew, but as Ciaran reluctantly started to walk away from Lilith, I heard her say, “Good dog,” to his retreating back.
Ciaran stopped dead in his tracks. “Did you hear what she just fuckin’ called me?” he demanded.