Page 1 of Jeepers Creepers
Prologue Creature
My hands curled into fists as they dangled below my waist, tingling from the flow of oxygen into the digits. I couldn’t say how long I stood, unmoving, incapable of speech. Seconds? Minutes? My body shook as I trembled, the fear clawing at my mind and threatening to rip it to shreds. It didn’t register in my head that I could be in shock. I should be, judging by the pool of blood leaking into the rug beneath the dining room table or what was left of it. The snapped furniture cradled one of two people I loved most in the world, bowing inward to wrap around the body like the wooden spindles of a macabre ribcage.
My mother’s lifeless eyes stared at the ceiling. Only an empty shell remained. All hint of warmth or sparkle dimmed her brown eyes and faded into an opaque color I couldn’t begin to name. No smile graced her lips. No breath filled her lungs.
Kill him.
The words whispered in my head and slithered into place.
He killed her.
I choked on my spit as a sob escaped my mouth.
He’ll take your father too if you don’t stop him.
My mind was fracturing. I could feel it disintegrating, pulling apart at the seams. Panic pressed hard on my chest when my gaze landed on the man who fired his weapon and shot my mother in the chest.
I was too weak. Too scared. Last month, I turned thirteen. Far too young. But here I stood, locked in a horror I couldn’t escape.
Let me in.
I blinked. What was happening?
I’ll do it for you.
Terror. Agony. Grief. They hit me all at once. I shivered so hard that my teeth chattered.
The man with the gun aimed at my chest. “You stupid fuck. Aren’t you smart enough to run?”
I was going to die.
No, you won’t. I can save you.
Please, I begged.
Give me control, the voice in my head whispered.He deserves to die.
I smacked the side of my skull like I could shove this intruder from my brain. Where did he come from?
Let me take over.
“Mom,” I whispered as the pain of her loss began to seep in.
Let me in! Now!
“Avenge her,” I murmured, letting the darkness take over. It broke across my vision in a tidal wave.
A sinister laugh tumbled from my lips as I faded, no longer in control. He took my place. Stronger. Vicious.
Your name?I asked before he shut me out.
“BALEN!” FLINT SHOUTED, shaking me by the shoulders. “Fuck!”