Page 16 of Jeepers Creepers
A chuckle followed. “You’re more intelligent than I anticipated, Balen, Drake Hobbs.”
Yeah, that insulted me. I crossed my arms over my chest.
He snapped his fingers, and the creature disappeared. Poof. In its place, a man in a dark, tailored suit stood. His hair had been slicked back, and he wore a debonair smile, enhancing his handsome features more than humanely possible. I could appreciate that he was an attractive male, but if he asked me to suck his cock, I would fucking pull out my gun and shoot him.
Devil or not.
Lucifer’s grin grew too wide, stretching his mouth in an unnatural way. I cringed.
“You’re the perfect addition to Maddog’s club. Just the sort of dark, twisted, cocky asshole I enjoy employing in my service. As a bonus, you already share space with a second personality. It’s so fucking intriguing I’m getting hard.”
I reached into my cut and pulled out my weapon. “I’m not listening to any more descriptions about your dick.”
The corners of his eyes crinkled with humor. “Fascinating.”
“You already said that,” I reminded him.
“Fine.” His lower lip jutted out as he pouted. “It’s business then, not pleasure.”
“You got that right.”
Wait. He said Maddog. This was who my pres wanted me to meet? Shit.
“Maddog and Manic have already bargained and signed their contracts. You’re next.”
Fuck me. That sounded shady as fuck.
“The shadows call to you,” Lucifer observed, stroking the light stubble grazing his jaw. “They surround you and Drake. They feel called to service you.”
Service? If this was like some weird kink, I wanted no part of it.
“The shadows don’t want to fuck you,” he laughed, “although that’s intriguing.” He smirked. “They want to serve you. Be led by you. They desire your leadership to punish the wicked.”
Shit. That caught my attention. “Punish the wicked?”
He knew he snared me now. His red eyes changed color to gray and glinted like diamonds. “Oh, yes. You will have the shadows, Drake, and a companion if you choose to accept him.”
“What kind of companion?”
“A spiritual entity. He longs to bond with Drake.”
I frowned. “Why?”
“Because they are similar. Dark. Twisted. Ruthless.” He shrugged. “Exceptional hunters.”
“If you accept this companion, he will help find the last of the men involved with your mother’s murder.”
I froze.
“Yes. I meant it. The entity will help you.”
Fuck. How could I say no to that?
“Will it change me?”
“Not physically. Drake will enter your conscious mind and share it often. The separation will be less. You’ll be closer but also stronger, more attuned to the gifts he possesses.”