Page 17 of Alien Prince's Cure
The cockpit’s array of lights flashed urgently, while alarms blared, signaling our imminent departure.
Emilia’s steady breathing next to me provided a reassuring presence, but a sense of foreboding grew in the pit of my stomach.
Suddenly, the platform’s outer barriers erupted in a shower of sparks.
Vendikar enforcers poured through, their cold, unfeeling eyes locking onto our ship.
“Mayn!” Emilia’s voice was tinged with panic. “We have to leave. Now!”
“We won’t get far with them right on our tail. We need to hold them off.”
I gritted my teeth, readying myself for the confrontation.
I activated the ship’s onboard defense system.
Laser blasts filled the air as the battle raged.
The platform was illuminated with brilliant flashes of red and green, casting an eerie glow.
I ducked behind a crate, taking potshots at the advancing Vendikar.
A few yards away, Emilia, her eyes alight with determination, used her newly discovered powers to hurl objects at our assailants.
A searing pain sliced through my arm as a laser blast zipped through the ship’s hull and found its mark.
Clutching the wound, I fell back, trying to regain my composure.
Our odds were dwindling.
Suddenly, the platform was bathed in a brilliant white light.
Turning towards the source, I saw Emilia, her entire being glowing with a fierce intensity.
The light intensified, becoming blinding, causing the Vendikar to shield their eyes and stagger back, disoriented.
The display was as awe-inspiring as it was terrifying.
I’d never seen anything like it.
Emilia was evolving, the Vendikar poison unlocking hidden potential within her.
She might be losing herself to the poison, but in the meantime, it was bestowing upon her powers I had never witnessed before.
The ship’s engines screamed as we powered upwards, the platform shrinking rapidly below us.
But we weren’t in the clear yet.
Vendikar fighters, sleek and predatory, continued to open fire.
“Computer,” I said, voice filled with urgency, “divert all power to rear shields.”
“Order confirmed,” the computer announced.
The vastness of space stretched out before us, its endless expanse offering both hope and uncertainty.
But we weren’t alone.
Vendikar fighters launched, following in our wake.