Page 27 of Alien Prince's Cure
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The Zephyran arena was an intimidating structure, a vast coliseum carved from the heart of a mountain, its walls lined with the iridescent glow of rare minerals.
It wasn’t just the grandeur of the place that unnerved me — it was the reason we were here.
Whispers about Emilia had spread like wildfire.
My own people, warriors, and scholars alike, wanted to test her mettle to see if she was worthy of the sanctuary Zephyra provided or if she posed a threat.
Though I found the very premise unjust, I understood the underlying sentiment.
Zephyrans held their safety and traditions in high regard.
“Mayn,” Emilia whispered, her voice tinged with anxiety as we stood at the entrance. “I don’t think I can do this.”
I turned to face her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You have faced greater challenges than this. Trust in yourself, in the new skills you’ve discovered during your transformation.”
She nodded, taking a deep breath, though I could see the uncertainty in her eyes.
The great gates creaked open, revealing the challenge ahead.
An intricate obstacle course riddled with moving platforms, electrified grids, walls that seemed to shift and change, and at the very end, a luminous archway — the finish.
The arena echoed with the murmurs of thousands of Zephyrans, their collective gaze fixed on Emilia.
She took her first step, and the trial began.
Every nerve in my body was taut as I watched.
Emilia approached a tall wall, its surface slick and nearly insurmountable.
With a burst of her newfound strength, she leapt, finding precarious holds and scaled it with a grace I hadn’t expected.
Next, she faced a series of moving platforms over a yawning chasm.
Timing her jumps with precision, she navigated it, her determination evident.
But as she landed on solid ground, I noticed her falter slightly, her hand reaching up to touch her temple.
The transformation — it was taking its toll.
She pressed on.
At an electrified grid, she showcased her intelligence, finding the pattern and bypassing the dangerous currents with nimble footwork.
With each success, a roar of approval surged from the crowd.
I could barely hear them, my focus solely on her.
The final challenge was a maze that constantly shifted its walls.
Here, Emilia paused, closing her eyes as if tapping into some inner sense.
When she moved, it was with a purpose, every turn and decision leading her closer to the end.
It was astounding, and I couldn’t help but swell with pride.
And then, she was there, standing before the luminous archway.