Page 30 of Number 10 Affair
I went around the club searching for Laura. Several agents followed. After circling the dance floor, I checked the toilets, wondering if she’d left without me. My thoughts were racing, and I could barely see straight. What would have happened if I wasn’t here to interfere? She didn't know what any of these guys could do to her.
I came back to find James by the bar. He must have ditched Rupert and Matthews because I didn’t see any of them around.
“Have you seen the tall blonde girl wearing a slutty red dress?” I asked him.
He sipped his drink and stared at me with a mix of disgust and pity.
“She’s your fucking nanny, Spencer, so leave her be. Trust me. Otherwise, this will end badly for both of you,” he said.
“I need to talk to her, that’s all. She’s my nanny, and that’s all she'll ever be. Promise that I’m not planning to fuck her. Did you see where she went?”
James kept staring at me with a strange twinkle in his eye, and I was growing extremely frustrated with every passing second.
“When the shit hits the fan, don’t come to me, because I’ve tried to warn you, Spencer. I saw her going out the employee exit to the right,” he growled.
I took off, telling myself to stay calm. I found the exit and walked right through it. Laura stood a few metres from it.
“Stay here, I need to talk to her alone,” I said to my detail while glancing down the dark corridor.
They nodded, understanding that I had to talk to her in private, and made sure that we weren’t going to be interrupted.
“Leave me alone, I don’t want to talk to you,” she spat.
“Too bad, because I want to talk to you.”
Chapter Fifteen
I thought I would finally have a moment alone, but then somehow, Spencer found me. My thoughts raced, and I wanted to get some air, but the other exit doors were locked. I was drunk earlier on when I’d called him. I hadn’t planned it and then I’d sort of dialled his number by mistake when the girls had been dancing. Spencer had sounded so pissed off, trying to order me to send him my location. Good job I’d hung up, but now I was paying for that mistake. After the unfortunate phone call, I’d drunk a whole pint of water and then danced, trying to forget about him. Then Veronica had introduced me to that cute guy, Julian, and before I knew it, we’d started dancing until Spencer Banks interrupted us.
I almost passed out when I saw him threatening Julian. I had no idea how he’d found me, but this time he’d crossed the line yet again.
Spencer had truly outdone himself on this occasion. Did he really think this was acceptable behaviour? God, I hated him so freaking much, and I wondered how far he’d go to make my life hell. Nothing about him would surprise me anymore.
“You used some kind of tech gadget to track me down all the way here? Didn’t you? Are you out of your mind? What about Maja? Who is looking after her?”
He approached me, getting so close the heat radiating off his body warmed my skin. Before I could do anything else, he pushed me against the wall. His hard erection pressed on my front.
“Maja’s with my mother,” he growled. “Now, what you need to worry about is your arse, because it’ll be raw once I’m through with you.”
His voice sent a rush of blazing heat up and down my spine.
“I fucking hate you, Spencer!” I tried to inject as much venom into my voice as possible.
He chuckled in response.
Then he forced me to turn around, and my head spun. I gasped when his hand wrapped around my wrist in a vice and my cheek was plastered to the wall. He slid a knee between my legs, forcing me to spread them.
“Do you think you can just hang up on me after I specifically asked you to send me your location?” he whispered roughly in my ear. “Fortunately for you, I was in the same club as you, so imagine my surprise when I saw a girl on the dance floor wearing a slutty dress and acting all needy, allowing some fucker to put his hands on her.”
The mixture of anger and desire that swirled inside me melted all other emotions until there was nothing left, except the pulsing throb between my thighs. My clit was swollen, and I was so wet.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want. You don’t own my body,” I bit back.
A few tense moments passed, and I focused on my shallow breaths. Then Spencer yanked my dress upwards, exposing my arse through the sheer tights, and the cool air made me even wetter. Veronica had talked me into wearing the sexiest underwear that I owned, and right in that moment, I was so glad I’d listened to her. The bottom consisted of a skimpy, lacy thong.
“You were mistaken, shortcake. We’ve owned each other from the first time you laid your eyes on my hard cock. There’s something between us,” he whispered.