Page 40 of Number 10 Affair
“Prime Minister, you can share what’s bothering you with me. I'm a good listener,” she encouraged.
And at that moment, I knew it was time for me to break this shitshow. She wasn’t doing anything for me, but my obsession with my hot nanny was becoming an issue. I had to end this insanity, no matter what. The most important thing was that I couldn’t do this to Maja. She loved Laura, and they got along well. If she was on a date right now, it was none of my business.
Why was I like this?
Caroline had flirted with me the whole evening, and she was obviously open to taking things further. At least, that’s what Jeremy claimed. Apparently, she loved to collect notches on her bedpost.
I kept staring back at Laura and her date and wished I didn’t have the perfect view. I felt so uncomfortable and I really didn’t want to continue with this date.
Technically, I could excuse myself, tell Caroline that I had to use the bathroom, then I could find a way to talk to Laura somehow. But that would be crazy. I reminded myself that I was in a public place. Everyone had their phones on and everyone knew who I was, unless they had been living under a rock. I’d potentially ruin my entire career because I couldn’t stand the fact that my nanny was on a date with another fucking guy. Madness.
Still, there was one thing I had to do. I had to tell Caroline that I had no intention of spending the night with her. It wasn’t fair to lead her on.
“Listen, Caroline, I’m really sorry. I hate doing this, but … You’re right, something is bothering me tonight, and my mind is elsewhere. You’re very sweet and beautiful, and I would love to get to know you better,” I lied, “but not tonight. I'll bring a car for you, and I’ll call you again soon.”
This was the right thing to do. Jeremy had arranged this whole thing, and she had made the effort to come. I might not be attracted to her, and I might be a dick sometimes, but I didn’t want to wilfully hurt her.
Caroline lost her smile, clearly shocked and surprised that this date was going nowhere. She was a woman, and usually, they could sense bullshit.
She was silent for a moment, then cleared her throat and wiped her mouth with a napkin.
“Are you sure this is what you want, Spencer? As I said before, I’m a great listener, and maybe I can give you some good advice regarding your issue.” She worked overtime to salvage what could never happen.
I groaned inwardly. I could hardly concentrate on her, knowing that Laura was right downstairs. I did my best to not glance at her table and clue Caroline in on the real problem.
“I've never been more certain, Caroline. I sincerely apologise again. Please allow me to escort you outside.” I itched to wrap this up.
I went to my bodyguards and told them what was going on, and to have another car brought here to take my date home. I walked with Caroline all the way downstairs where the restaurant manager was already waiting for us. He let us out through the back door, so that we were away from the public eye. He was discreet and honest, so I could count on him.
My pulse pounded when, several minutes later, the car pulled in. Caroline leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“Take care, Spencer. I hope you sort out your issue soon,” she said and then got into the vehicle.
I gave her a courtly nod, and then the driver took off. I was so fucking relieved, standing outside with my men. I knew what I needed to do next. It wouldn’t do to attract too much attention and have the media involved, so I had to be both discreet and firm when I left the restaurant with Laura.
There was no way I would let her stay here with that arsehole.
“John,” I instructed one of the agents in charge of my safety tonight. “I’m going to have a chat with my nanny in the main restaurant. Please arrange for our ride to meet us outside the main entrance and try to stay in the shadows. I don’t want to bring too much attention to myself.”
“Yes, sir,” John said.
Then I went back inside.
I didn’t fucking know how, but I had to convince Laura to leave with me. She was a smart one, so some lame excuse wouldn’t do. As much as I tried to tell myself I should not get entangled with this woman, I could not ignore my fucked-up emotions. This whole thing had to be resolved somehow before I completely blew my sanity and career.
The manager showed me a different way to the main restaurant floor after I’d gone back inside. My palms were now damp with sweat as nerves took over, and I hesitated for a moment. Just then, I caught sight of Laura laughing at something this wanker said to her. Fuck, she was so stunning and relaxed in the company of that prick. Why wouldn’t she act like that when she was with me?
At that moment, she was blissfully unaware that I was watching her. The restaurant was busy, so this complicated things for me because I couldn’t afford to be seen doing something ridiculous.
But holy shit, I wanted Laura to laugh with me like that. She was mine, and I didn’t want any other fucker to make any kind of claim on her.
Pull yourself together, Spencer. She will not cause a scene.
Pulling myself together, my men now back inside and standing discreetly in a secluded spot behind me, I strode purposefully through the restaurant, headed for their table while I focused on the fact that people were busy enjoying their meals and dinner companions. A couple of people might have noticed me, and I almost faltered, but I kept going. Laura must have sensed something and lifted her head towards me.
“Good evening, Laura.” I nodded politely at her ‘date’, even though it took all I had in me to do so. I had to admit, he seemed well put together. Dressed in a tailored suit and expensive watch. I now realised I knew who he was.
“Spencer … I mean, Prime Minister, what are you doing here?” Laura asked.