Page 56 of Number 10 Affair
Laura gazed out of the window, and I was in a good mood knowing she was coming along.
London’s temperatures kept soaring, and Cefalù promised to be even hotter. That didn’t matter, though, because I looked forward to reuniting with my family on the island.
“He should be. He has been excited about this trip for a long time.” I checked my phone. It was refreshing not to see hundreds of missed calls and text messages from Jeremy, who himself was preparing for his family trip to Florida next week.
When Laura came back on Monday, she’d told me she’d decided to travel with us and said she’d keep taking care of Maja as long as Rupert was all right with her tagging along. I didn’t give a fuck what my brother thought, I trusted Laura. He needed to get over the fact that she lived with Veronica at the weekends.
We didn’t bring up the subject of stolen panties. I still had her worn pair hidden in my chest of drawers at home and I wasn’t planning to give them back unless she called me out on it. This morning she’d showed up on a red summer dress that reached her knees. When we went outside and the wind blew a little, I caught a glimpse of her tanned thighs. The sight made me so insanely hard, it wasn’t even funny anymore.
Around half an hour later, we were dropped off at the private airport and taken to the VIP lounge where an additional security team that would travel with us was already waiting. Rupert was there, too. When he saw Laura he didn’t look happy at all, so he ushered me to the side to complain.
“I know exactly why you’re bringing her along, Spencer.” Rupert stood in front of me in a white t-shirt and designer sunglasses.
I watched as Maja showed Laura something she had in her bag.
“So she can look after your niece if we both decide to go out, Rupert. You said it yourself—you won’t be with us all the time. Maja was really happy that she was coming, so I don’t see the issue?” I glanced at my watch. We would be boarding any minute.
“This isn’t about that, Spencer. It’s about the fact that you want her. I can see it in your eyes. I know I'm not in a position to give you advice, but you should really think about this before you make your move. You said it yourself. She gets on with Maja, but I doubt very much that Laura is ready to be her mother,” Rupert followed my line of vision.
He was right. It was a big step, so I had a lot to consider. This was nothing new.
“Exactly as you said, this is none of your business, little brother, so get off your high horse and just enjoy this break while you can,” I said, then quickly added, “Did you speak to her roommate, Veronica? How are things with the woman you have been obsessing over for the past two years?”
“I don’t fucking want to talk about it,” he snapped.
I laughed, then slapped him in the back. “I thought so.”
He walked away then. I knew he was worried about me, but I had never felt this way about anyone else. Rupert wouldn’t understand because he had never been in a serious relationship before.
Once we’d boarded, I headed to the back of the plane where Laura was seated. I spoke to the pilot for a few minutes before take-off, to make sure everything was all right. He was the same one who’d flown us to Sicily last year, and it was good to see that familiar face again. Maja sat in the middle with Rupert, who was setting up a card game for her, probably so she wouldn’t get bored.
I sat next to Laura even though there were plenty of other seats around. The security personnel took up space at the front of the aircraft. Laura was reading.
“What do you want, Spencer? There are plenty of other seats available, and I don’t like being disturbed when I’m reading.” She stared at me with her beautiful green eyes that haunted me in my dreams.
“What? I want to sit next to you, and trust me, I don’t have any hidden agenda.” I smiled, then grabbed the book off her and glanced at the title. One of those steamy romance books she liked.
“Hey, give it back. You’re not the target audience.” She tried to get it back.
But I was busy skimming over a few interesting passages. I was shocked at how graphic they were.
“What the hell are you even reading? Porn? I pegged you for a thriller-loving kind of girl.” I read a very graphic part where he was thrusting into her from behind.
“I enjoy reading steamy romance when I’m travelling, thank you very much,” she said, still attempting to take the book off me.
I skimmed a few more pages and then came across a word that made little sense.
“All right, so what does this mean? STFUATTDLAGG? Is there even a word like that in the English dictionary?” I pointed at it on the page.
Laura finally managed to take her book back and quickly closed it, looking flustered.
“Nothing that you should concern yourself about,” she said. “Only romance readers and BookTokers know what it means.”
“Come on, tell me now. I’m curious.” I pulled out my phone.
Moments later, when the captain switched off the seat belt sign, she got up and unceremoniously went to sit a few seats away from me, crossing her incredible legs. From my vantage point, I could stare at her with no one noticing.
“Figure it out yourself, because I really want to finish reading this scene,” she said. “Please don’t talk to me for the rest of the flight.”