Page 61 of Number 10 Affair
I didn’t understand anything that was being said. I glanced to my right, focusing in on the most gorgeous man who was carrying me out of the water. He had his arm hooked around my waist while I was coughing, completely disorientated.
“Laura … fuck, are you all right? I’m here, I’ve got her now,” another familiar voice said as I collapsed onto the warm sand.
Soon after, Spencer was kneeling next to me, looking scared. I had never seen him so terrified.
“I thought I saw Maja in the water and I panicked,” I said, still coughing while Spencer was touching me everywhere like he wanted to make sure I wasn’t injured.
“Bella, you must be careful, the sea is dangerous,” the lifeguard that was smoothing his tar-dark hair said, staring at me with concern, too.
Then he kneeled next to Spencer, and I suddenly felt better, being protected by the two most gorgeous men I’d ever laid my eyes on.
“I tried to get to you when I heard the screams, but luckily bagnino2 here managed to pull you out,” Spencer said and glared at the lifeguard who was smiling at me.
I tried to wipe the water out of my eyes and calm down my racing heart. At least I could breathe now, but that was scary. I’d swum way too far, panicking because I thought a girl around Maja’s age was her, and when I realised that this child was fine, I’d lost control a little.
“Are you sure you’re all right?” Spencer asked. “I’m going to get security, and we’ll take you to the hospital just to be on the safe side.”
“It’s okay, I’m all right. I was swimming too fast,” I said, all of a sudden overwhelmed that Spencer was so worried about me. “No need to go to the hospital.”
“No … no hospital, Bella is fine, really,” the lifeguard said in a thick Italian accent.
Spencer shot him another irritated gaze, probably because the lifeguard had got to me first. It was so sweet of him that he was trying to rescue me. Maybe he did truly care about me after all.
“I’m really sorry. This won’t happen again, and you don’t have to worry. I’m really fine,” I said, feeling like a complete idiot.
“What’s your name, bella? You are very beautiful. You from England, yes?”
“Il suo nome e Laura, e siamo tutti riconoscenti. Adesso ci penso io a lei,”3 Spencer replied quickly for me.
And of course, I didn’t understand a word he’d said.
The lifeguard shot Spencer a surprised look, then he muttered something to himself and suddenly stood.
“What did you just say to him? I hope you weren’t rude, and I had no idea you could speak fluent Italian,” I asked him.
“He’s done his job, so I thanked him for saving your life,” Spencer explained and added, “I should have been in the water before him.”
“He's husband, yeah?” the man asked.
Spencer shot him another glare. God, he needed to calm down. The man was probably just curious.
“Sì, sono suo marito, e siamo tutti grati per il tuo aiuto, ma adesso ci sono io,”4 he said, his tone dismissive.
“Ma quelle buone sono sempre prese.5“ The lifeguard sighed. Then, with a typical exaggerated hand gesture, he walked away.
“What did you tell him?” I asked.
“First I thanked him once again that he saved you, and then I confirmed that you were my wife,” Spencer replied.
I slapped him on the chest.
“Your wife? What the hell? Spencer, he’s a lifeguard and he was only doing his job, you didn’t need to be so abrupt with him.”
The sun was burning my neck. I had hoped this was going to be a calm and relaxing day, but as usual, shit had to happen. He was so close to me that it was unnerving, but he was making me feel safe and protected, which I wasn’t really expecting because he was always so guarded.
“I got distracted and I should have paid more attention to you in the first place,” he said and then skimmed his hand down my arm. “He was right about one thing, you should have been more careful. You could have easily drowned.”
“Can we drop this now? I panicked a bit, but I’m fine, so you don’t need to worry about me anymore, Spencer,” I said, more forcefully, because he was making a huge deal out of this when he didn’t need to.