Page 83 of Number 10 Affair
“Sir, your brother, James, is here to see you,” Cath said when I picked up the phone.
“Send him in, thank you.” I adjusted my tie. My brother's visit was long overdue.
Moments later, the door opened up and James entered. He was dressed in a black suit, and he was immaculate. James was taller than me and broader, he was built like a brick shithouse. Maybe that was the reason he went into the forces as soon as he’d graduated, because even in this office he looked pretty terrifying, especially with that stone-cold expression. His jet-black hair was styled in a short, cropped back and sides.
“Prime Minister,” he mocked with a slight bow as he sat on the sofa.
He had a file in his hand, so I instantly knew he had what I’d had asked him to get.
“Let’s skip the small talk, James,” I said, not even knowing why I was suddenly nervous. Things were going well with Laura, and my brother was good at what I needed for her. I didn’t want him to get involved, but he was the only person who could track down Laura’s sister since she couldn’t find her. “Do you have what I asked for?”
James kept staring at me intensely with his usual detached air. He’d been through a lot in Iraq, and when he’d come back he was not the same guy as before.
“Yes, it took me a little longer to track down the name, because it appears that Laura’s sister didn’t want to be found, but everything is in the file,” he said, then he stood and buttoned up his suit jacket. “I told you that your nanny was a liability, and she still is, Spencer. I now understand why you are so infatuated with her.”
“What are you talking about?” I stood, and then I snapped the file out of his hand. I opened it and scanned through the text, suddenly feeling like my entire fucking world had crumbled beneath my feet.
This is not possible. No fucking way.
I glanced back at James whose face was still completely devoid of any emotions. His perfect poker face was getting to me.
“How could I've been so fucking blind?” I stared at the picture from over twenty-five years ago. There was only one, but the resemblance was striking.
“You were thinking with your dick, not your brain, that’s for sure.” James sounded bored, then he absentmindedly adjusted his cufflinks.
Blood was drumming in my ears. It had been nine fucking years, and she had never reached out to me, not even once.
“I need you to find her for me, I've to speak to Samantha.” I wanted to punch the wall. My thoughts were suddenly racing. She had set me up, and I was so blinded by my attraction towards Laura that I hadn’t seen it.
“No need, she’s already back in London, and she’s probably going to pay you a visit soon,” he said. “I presume you can take it from here?”
I had no idea how come James was so fucking calm while I was shaking inside, but it was in his nature now. He kept all his emotions tightly bottled up.
“Yes, I’ll take care of it,” I snapped and then went back to my desk.
Laura was going to freak, and I had no fucking clue how to deal with it. What was Samantha after?
James walked towards the door, but just as he was about to leave, he stilled, then turned around.
“Spencer, your nanny is still a liability. Stop thinking with your dick and use your brain. End things with her, before she costs you your career,” he said, and before I could reply, he left the room and quietly shut the door behind him.
I held my head in my hands, reminding myself to breathe, but the fact that Samantha had turned out to be Laura’s biological sister made me question everything that had happened in the past.
James’s words rang in my head, but I still had no idea what his problem was with Laura. Me being Prime Minister and dating my nanny would cause a bit of a wave in the press, but I was a bachelor, I could date whoever I wanted at the end of the day.
I looked through the papers, and my head was still fucking spinning. I was uncomfortable with this whole situation. Why would Samantha do this? She was not interested in Maja. I had full custody, so why did she have to get Laura involved, too? I knew for a fact that I had to share the truth for her today.
Moments later, I picked up the phone and told Cath to clear my schedule for the rest of the day. Jeremy wasn’t going to be happy, but this matter was much more pressing.
Laura deserved to know the truth, and I had to be the one to break the news to her.
Jeremy barged inside. He must have run all the way here, because his face was beetroot red and he was panting heavily.
He shut the door quickly and ran over to my desk.
“The photo! Someone has leaked it online, and the press secretary is already getting phone calls from journalists about it,” he said when I lifted my head.